JIMMY FALLON WILL SOON TAKE OVER THE SHOW JOHNNY BUILT Remember Jimmy Fallon's band The Roots dissed Michele Bachmann? Troubling audio excerpts from Obama children's book by Nikki Grimes Audio Mayhem: Ted Cruz, Jay Sekulow, Bryan Suits, Dick Morris on Iran • More stories about the lesbian waitress who made up the 'no tip' story Show No. 144-2013
• Happy Thankgiving - What I am thankful for in 2013
• The oddness and promotion of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
• Remember Jimmy Fallon's band The Roots dissed Michele Bachmann?
• Letterman, Jay Leno and late TV changes coming soon: Leno on Fox?
• More stories about the lesbian waitress who made up the 'no tip' story
• Audio Mayhem: Ted Cruz, Jay Sekulow, Bryan Suits, Dick Morris on Iran
• Childrens books about Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope
• Troubling audio excerpts from Obama children's book by Nikki Grimes CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
BARACK OBAMA EMBRACES BRITISH AND AUSTRALIAN GUN CONFISCATION NRA's Wayne LaPierre's article: Obama’s obsession with our gun rights Lesbian waitress concocts tip and message hoax: Family denies story Uh oh - Barack Obama and the Democrats lose ground in latest polls • Darla D & Jimmy Z: How to avoid political arguments on Thanksgiving Show No. 143-2013
• Guns & Gun Rights: No limits on weapons and weapons for felons
• California is NOT confiscating weapons from decent, innocent citizens
• Wayne LaPierre's article: Obama’s obsession with our gun rights
• Audio: Obama at Navy Yard embraces British and Aussie gun control
• Gun control in Great Britain and Australia leading to more crime
• Music: If I Had A Ruger - Trini Lopez/2nd Amendment Song Parody
• Darla D & Jimmy Z: How to avoid political arguments on Thanksgiving CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
• Darla D & Jimmy Z Part Two: Thanksgiving in America 2013
• George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation
• Uh oh - Barack Obama and the Democrats lose ground in latest polls
• Lesbian waitress concocts tip and message hoax: Family denies story
• News and social networks reported original story that went viral
• Family shows reporter credit card receipt with the tip charge included CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
HARRY REID & SENATE DEMOCRATS VOTE HYPOCRITICALLY FOR NUCLEAR OPTION Senate Democrats speak out against GOP going 'nuclear' in 2005 Dick Morris: President Obama and Reid Stage De Facto Coup D'État CBS Poll: 93% of Americans want Obamacare changed or repealed • ACA 2014 sign-up date in 2014 moved again; 2 weeks AFTER election Show No. 142-2013
• Democrats caught lying again: This time about the 'nuclear' option
• Breaking down Democrat senators statements in the Senate in 2005
• Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and many more
• Full statement from then-senator Barack Obama: Don't do this
• The BS Song (WARNING: One vulgarity repeated a number of times)
• Obama in 2013 now favors the nuclear option: Tyranny to come
• Dick Morris: President Obama and Reid Stage De Facto Coup D'État
• Rush Limbaugh: First comments 11/21 when the news first broke
• Mark Levin's emotional reaction on Thursday: Republic in jeopardy CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
• Mark Levin continued: Barack Obama now presiding as a tyrant
• Song parody: Shop Around (Obama says shop for heath insurance)
• Condensed Nuclear Montage: Democrats in 2005 speak out against
• Levin teaches Republicans how to respond to Reid's nuclear option
• Rush Limbaugh: The democrats are going to pay for this
• CBS Poll: 93% of Americans want Obamacare changed or repealed
• RedState: There is a way for the senate Republicans to retaliate
• ACA 2014 sign-up date in 2014 moved again; 2 weeks AFTER election
• Ted Cruz talks about the nuclear option: Partisan abuse of power
• Hannity round table: Liberal argues that both sides are hypocritical CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
LONDON BRIDGES - AND OBAMA'S HEALTH CARE PLAN - FALLING DOWN Obama's ACA success story cannot afford Obamacare premiums after all More stunning healthcare insurance cancellations looming for employees Barack Obama recites Gettysburg Address without mentioning God • Healthcare.gov website is open for hackers and maybe already compromised Show No. 141-2013
• Michelle Obama says that she does not support free rides and handouts
• Obama's ACA success story cannot afford Obamacare premiums after all
• Sebelius was warned about the Healthcare.gov website back in March
• Healthcare website will still be a 'work in progress' after November 30th
• Bowie University students insurance canceled after huge price increase
• More stunning healthcare insurance cancellations looming for employees
• Labor force still shrinking rapidly in the Obama economy
• Much of Obamacare website and healthcare system is yet to be built
• Marco Rubio laughs at Obama claiming that Republicans are to blame
• Rubio bill seeks to prevent insurance companies from getting big bailout
• Dick Morris: It's not about Obamacare anymore; It's about Obama himself
• Doctors will be paid less and there will be less doctors for more patients CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
• Barack Obama recites Gettysburg Address without mentioning God
• Every other recitation, from celebrities and politicians, INCLUDED God
• Census faked the jobs numbers right before the 2012 election
• Rush Limbaugh plays clips of himself predicting unemployment lies
• The End of Football: In the shownotes only, Rush Limbaugh talks NFL
• Obama hits a new low with Democrats in Congress
• Get this: 60 to 70% of the federal health care system is yet to be built
• Obamacare promises going up in smoke: Nothing he promised is true
• Healthcare.gov website is open for hackers: Maybe already compromised
• Sarah Palin's slavery comment: The word can be used for many things
• Martin Bashir loses it and calls for Palin to be defecated, urinated on
• Contrite Martin Bashir follows up a day or two later and apologizes
• School mayhem: Father tries to pick up his kids at Tennessee school
• School Resource Officer appears to be irate: Both sides of the story CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
JIMMY Z HANGING OUT TODAY WITH DARLA D & DEBRA JM SMITH Darla D & Jimmy Z: Darla speaks at the Lake Havasu Tea Party Event Debra JM Smith: Crass Obamacare ads were not federally funded Black and white and Orpah: Conservatives don't think skin color • Colorado community organizers put out ads on social networks Show No. 140-2013
• Darla D & Jimmy Z: Darla speaks at the Lake Havasu Tea Party
• Being involved means taking part: Ideas and suggestions
• Attracting young people to the conservative message is vital
• Black and white and Orpah: Conservatives don't think skin color
• Debra JM Smith: Crass Obamacare ads were not federally funded
• Colorado community organizers put out ads on social networks
• Conservatives helped publicize the ads all over the internet CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
BLACK AND WHITE: OPRAH WINDBAG CULTIVATES RACISM AMONG BLACKS Obama losing the young voters: Finally polls show youth waking up Oprah on people 'marinated' in racism: She's doing the same thing Examples of conservatives using hysteria and lies to get more traffic • Pelosi lies over & over about the same thing Obama apologized for Show No. 139-2013
• Obama losing the young voters: Finally polls show youth waking up
• Jimmy Z and SNL both do bits talking about Obama being depressed
• Jimmy Z, Rush Limbaugh both tell The Oprah that Obama was lying
• Blacks still give Obama high approval: This is racism
• Oprah on people 'marinated' in racism: She's doing the same thing
• Oprah was not calling for extermination or genocide of older generation
• Examples of conservatives using hysteria and lies to get more traffic
• Breaking down Nancy Pelosi's appearance on Meet the Press
• Pelosi lies over & over about the same thing Obama apologized for CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
BARACK OBAMA'S 'FIX' FOR OBAMACARE CAUSING EVEN MORE PROBLEMS Half of Americans believe Obama lied about Obamacare to get it passed Now Forbes and Fox News report that 93 million people will be cancelled Feinstein supports Landrieu's plan allowing Americans to keep insurance • Rewind: Joe Wilson audio 'You lie!' appears to have been absolutely right Show No. 138-2013
• Obama's problems: Most Americans do not trust Obama in recent poll
• Half of Americans believe Obama lied about Obamacare to get it passed
• The late, great Richard Jeni: Conservative, liberal and moderate politics
• Song Parodies: Baroke Obama and 'Obamacare' (Latter by Jimmy Z)
• Dick Morris: Hillary Clinton in 2016 is not at all inevitable
• Obama's 'unilateral' fix for Obamacare but does he have the authority?
• Burden on the insurance industry and Washington State rejects it
• Now Forbes and Fox News report that 93 million people will be cancelled
• Audio Mayhem: Ezra Klein, Charles Krauthammer and Mary Landrieu
• Sen. Landrieu pushes bill to force companies to keep old insurance
• Hillary Clinton, 2007: You'll be able to keep your insurance if you like it
• Breaking down Obama excuses for why the ACA is so complicated CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
• Audio Mayhem: Ezra Klein, Charles Krauthammer and Mary Landrieu
• Sen. Landrieu pushes bill to force companies to keep old insurance
• Feinstein supports Landrieu's plan allowing Americans to keep insurance
• Bill Clinton wants Obama to keep his word and fix Obamacare
• Astounding: House Democrats refuse to apologize and lie some more
• Ed Schultz tries his own 'Dean Scream' in support of Barack Obama
• The Great Talk Show Host Rock n' Roll Scream Off with The Who
• Dick Morris: Obamacare cancellations will continue despite change
• Audio Mayhem: Gov. Howard Dean questions Obama's legal authority
• Herman Cain: 3 things to know and 3 things to do about Obamacare
• Obama gets testy with media: You only report on things that go wrong
• Okra Windbag: Obama attacked in many cases because he is black
• Rewind: Joe Wilson audio 'You lie!' appears to have been absolutely right
• Rep. Pelosi quote now available: What the president said was accurate
• Rep. McDermott: It's panic in the House over the 'Like It Keep It' Act CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
HAWAII DEMOCRATS FORCE HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE ON THE PEOPLE Hawaii state legislature passes homosexual marriage bill; Governor signs it Researcher describes the uncomfortable truths about homosexuality, LGBT President of the Hawaii Police Union testified against homosexual marriage • Hawaii vote in 1998: Just under 70% of the voters affirmed traditional unions Show No. 137-2013
• The List: These are the hoax and hysteria websites that spread manure
• Hawaii state legislature passes homosexual marriage bill; Governor to sign
• Mass Resistance: Excellent coverage and reporting on Hawaii testimony
• Audio Mayhem: Testimony from Hawaiian citizens in public hearings
• Native Hawaiian expressed outrage that many people across the state have
• Public school teacher, strongly against the bill, doubts committee integrity
• Researcher describes the uncomfortable truths about homosexuality, LGBT
• Woman talks about danger of small radical minority holding so much power
• Wedding planner talks about how she will be forced out of business
• Tito Montes, head of Hawaii Republican Assembly, pulls no punches
• President of the Hawaii Police Union testified against homosexual marriage
• Hawaii vote in 1998: Just under 70% of the voters affirmed traditional unions
• Rep. Rhoads arrogantly demeans concerns: Young woman held her ground CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
OBAMACARE ADVERTISING IS OFFENSIVE, CRASS AND DISGUSTING Obamacare crafted in a way to maximize number who lose insurance Darla D & Jimmy Z: Obamacare jokes and its ever growing failure Debbie Wasserman Schultz says Democrats can run on Obamacare • Stunning: Obamacare ad encourages women to screw anyone Show No. 136-2013
• DHL workers fired: They are Somali Muslims who want prayer time
• Thomas Sowell writes Tea Party At The Crossroads
• Audio: Krauthammer on Obama: The President is now toxic
• Obamacare crafted in a way to maximize number who lose insurance
• Sarah Palin goes after Matt Lauer over Obama's supposed apology
• James O'Keefe is back exposing Obamacare 'Navigators' bias
• Darla D & Jimmy Z: Obamacare jokes and its ever growing failure
• Audio: Bill Clinton tells Barack Obama to honor his commitment
• Stunning: Obamacare ad encourages women to screw anyone CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
• More thoughts on Obamacare ad encouraging women to screw men
• Debbie Wasserman Schultz says Democrats can run on Obamacare
• Actor Bruce Dern talks about making movies and Ben Hur
• Bill Keller on America: Is revival coming in 2014? Be a part of it
• Dick Morris with Sean Hannity: What now for Obama's presidency?
• Dick Morris: Delimma of Obamacare and how Obama cornered himself
• Five people signed up for Obamacare in Washington DC: Five! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
AN AMERICAN CHRISTIAN IN DUBAI: JONATHAN COUSAR 1ST PERSON STORY Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas makes his first appearance on Leno show White guy wins Houston area election after voters assume he is black Churches, bars, walking hand in hand, calls to prayer in Dubai • DeBlasio intends to shut down pro-life crisis pregnancy centers Show No. 135-2013
• Happy Veterans' Day: We listen to Gene Simmons' military tribute
• GOP considers one Obamacare fix: If you like your plan you can keep it
• Democrats in Annapolis, MD plan to strip new GOP mayor of his power
• Audio: Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas makes his first appearance on Leno show
• Audio: Bryan Suits talks about Iran, the bomb, and the negotiations
• Dick Morris says France stands up against while Obama's sweet deal
• Audio: The Jesus Christ Show host on God's judgment and 'end times'
• White guy wins Houston area election after voters assume he is black CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
• American Christian In Dubai: Jonathan Cousar's 1st person story
• New mayor DeBlasio elected in New York City is more left than Obama
• DeBlasio intends to shut down pro-life crisis pregnancy centers
• Traveling to Dubai: New and clean with a lack of human warmth
• Churches, bars, walking hand in hand and the Islam calls to prayer
• Coming home to the United States and seeing people smile again CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
UNARMED 19 YEAR OLD IN IOWA SHOT BY POLICE AND IT'S JUSTIFIED Darla D & Jimmy Z: Billy Graham on TV; Finding peace in trying times New song parody: You Don't Care, Obama (My Sharona), lyrics by Dean The President apologizes (supposedly) for Obamacare lies he told • IRS debacle: $4 billion in tax payer money goes to identify thieves Show No. 134-2013
• The President apologizes (supposedly) for Obamacare lies he told
• Breaking down the Obama apology on NBC with Chuck Todd
• Darla D & Jimmy Z: Billy Graham on TV; Finding peace in trying times
• No matter how difficult things might seem God will give us good rest
• The Cretins wonderful punk version of Onward Christian Soldiers CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
• Obamacare website disaster leads to CMA skit mocking Obama
• Liberals unhappy: Carrie Underwood & Brad Paisley 'racist' (of course)
• @Hey!NickyB on twitter can't report people fast enough for 'harrassment'
• New song parody: You Don't Care, Obama (My Sharona), lyrics by Dean
• TMZ riffs on CMA award: Country music is all about the red states
• IRS debacle: $4 billion in tax payer money goes to identify thieves
• Two reasonable theories about the IRS error on Patriot Action Network
• 19 year old Tyler Comstock goes berserk and is shot dead by police CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
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