Atheism, SE Cupp and conservatism: Why her argument doesn't fly
Former USSC Justice wants big changes to the 2nd Amendment
USSC upholds Michigan's 2006 ban on Affirmative Action
• Teacher takes Bible from 2nd grader during reading time
Show No. 044-2014

• Joan Rivers tells another tasteless joke: This is news?
• Holocaust jokes? Sure, why not: It's Joan Rivers
• Kidnapping jokes and miscarriage jokes are typical fare
• Hillary Clinton's poll numbers dropping lately
• Dick Morris: Senate Committee & CIA Benghazi cover-up
• Santa Monica teacher reinstated after fight with student
• Atheism, SE Cupp and conservatism: Why it doesn't fly
• Joyce Meyer: The Christian Blessing of Knowledge
• James Dobson wins an Obamacare ruling in Colorado
• Former USSC Justice wants changes to 2nd Amendment
• Drunk hit & run driver gets 3 yrs 8 mths for killing cyclist
• Why aren't they charging Hawaii stowaway with a crime?
• Rapper Big Sean performs at the White House on Easter
• Republican Congresswoman's bill to limit Photoshopping
• USSC upholds Michigan's band on Affirmative Action
• Sotomayor upset with ruling: Scalia criticizes Sotomayor
• Jayson Veley exposes liberal professor attack on GOP
• Audio: Veley debates the issue on Cavuto on Fox News
• Teacher takes Bible from 2nd grader during reading time
• Net Neutrality: Leo LaPorte discusses what it all means
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
Show Notes • Links • Audio/Video
• Side One
• Joan Rivers Mocks Cleveland Kidnapping Victims - YouTube
• Joan Rivers Talks Plastic Surgery Medical Course - YouTube
• Joan Rivers Holocaust Joke (actual joke) - YouTube
• Joan Rivers won't apologize for Holocaust joke - YouTube
• Joan Rivers -- The Joke That Went Too Far? - YouTube
• Joan Rivers Refuses To Apologize For Cleveland Kidnapping Victims Joke
• Joan Rivers Drops MISCARRIAGE JOKES On Lindsay Lohan - YouTube
• Hillary’s Numbers Plummet, Majority of Americans Still Want Answers on Benghazi
• Senate Committee Reveals CIA Cover-Up In Benghazi - Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert! - DickMorris.com at DickMorris.com
• Senate Committee Reveals CIA Cover-Up in Benghazi! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT! - YouTube
• Santa Monica Teacher Allowed to Return After Fight With Student | KTLA 5
• Teacher Mark Black Reinstated After Fight With Student (Of Course): Jimmy Z - YouTube
• S.E. Cupp: Why Being a Conservative Atheist Isn’t a Contradiction | Video | TheBlaze.com
• Atheist S.E. Cupp: ‘I Would Never Vote For an Atheist President’ | Video | TheBlaze.com
• Enjoying Everyday Life – "The High Cost of Low Living" | Joyce Meyer Ministries
• Joyce Meyer: The Christian Blessing of Knowledge - YouTube
• James Dobson's Birthday Gift: Latest Court Victory Over Obamacare Contraception | Gleanings | ChristianityToday.com
• AOL.com Article - Justice Stevens: Make 6 changes to Constitution
• Cyclists Call for ‘Justice for Andy’ at Hit-and-Run Driver’s Sentencing | KTLA 5
• Teen Stowaway Won’t Face Federal Charges For Sneaking On San Jose To Maui Flight « CBS San Francisco
• Big Sean's Performance at the White House -- Where No Rapper's Gone Before [VIDEO] | TMZ.com
• BIG SEAN LYRICS - What U Doin (Bulls--ttin’) * WARNING: VULGAR
• Rapper Big Sean Performs At The White House - On Easter?! :: Jimmy Z - YouTube
• Side Two
• Congresswomen Introduce Bill to Regulate Overzealous Photoshopping
• Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen on Fox News Discussing the Effects of Photoshopped Images - YouTube
• Michigan's ban on affirmative action upheld by Supreme Court - CNN.com
• Supreme Court's affirmative action ruling prompts passionate reaction on both sides of issue | MLive.com
• Sotomayor Attacks John Roberts' Views On Race As 'Out Of Touch With Reality'
• Antonin Scalia faults Sonia Sotomayor for 'doubly shameful' suggestion | WashingtonExaminer.com
• Jayson Veley Exposes Leftist Professor On Fox News: Jimmy Z - YouTube
• Professor: ‘Racist, misogynist, money-grubbing people’ want to stop blacks, Latinos from voting
• Professor's epic anti-Republican rant caught on video | Fox News Video
• Jayson Veley | Junior Factor Nation
• Extreme liberal bias caught on tape in the college classroom | Fox News Video
• Adjunct Professor Apologizes For Comments On Congressional Republicans « CBS Connecticut
• ECSU Student Speaks On Professor’s Rant Against Republicans | WTIC FOX CT
• Jayson Veley: Cavuto Interview (Junior Factor Nation) - YouTube
• Texas second-grader says teacher took away Bible during reading time | Fox News
• Second grade student says teacher took away her Bible during reading time | khou.com Houston
• Teacher accused of not allowing student to read Bible during reading time | News - Home

• Bill Handel on Demand: Leo LaPorte on Net Neutrality
• Bill Handel: KFI AM 640

You'd better stop appealing to REASON on patriot action network. These people associate REASON and LOGIC with communism. You're going to get labeled a commie and booted soon. I can see it coming.
I'm a second tier moderator. I don't think so.
I don't think you realize the history of that place.
Ask Darla what happened to the first tier moderator (can't think of her name, it was a middle aged woman/mother (from Alaska I believe) -- circa 2008-2009. She's long gone. She stirred the pot a little too much by confronting people who said crazy things.
If you took away all the people who said crazy things, PAN would have maybe 10 members left. Darla sided with populist rage then and she will again in the future when you ruffle too many feathers.
Either way. I appreciate that sane conservatives still exist and that the far-right hasn't thrown you all under the bus (yet) .. It's coming though. The far right seeks ideological purity -- which doesn't leave much room for level headed people.
I know ALL of everything, and more, and I'm sworn to keep my mouth shut. But I'll tell you this: Those that left thought that I was a bastard who wouldn't leave the conspiracy theorists and panicked fear mongerers alone. And I'm still there because I'm good for conservatism.
Someone wrote to me and said the professor was right: "Conservatives want an uneducated populace that they can control and dictate their cultural demands."
This is exactly what the LIBERALS have been doing to schools for decades - dumbing down. Conservatives are for true education. Liberals pursue uneducated people through indoctrination. Liberals project.
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