Governor Scott Walker Stands Firm Against Liberal Attack Dogs
The Presbo Church decides that God and the Bible are wrong
McCain: We had it won & Obama ruined it (like everything else)
• Obama's homosexual exec order opens door to national cemeteries
Show No. 050-2014

• The Presbo Church decides that God and the Bible are wrong
• The Presbos also vote to divest from companies used by Israel
• Trey Gowdy is one of the good guys - but enough talk already
• IRS emails part 1: Of course the emails exist
• Embassy raises homosexual pride flag with the American flag
• The idiotic Obama decision regarding the Redskins trademark
• McCain: We had it won & Obama ruined it (like everything else)
• Now Obama says that it wasn't his decision to leave Iraq
• More on Obama claiming that he did not decide to leave Iraq
• IRS emails part 2: Sonasoft deal terminated after hard drive crashed
• HBO doc film YOU paid them to make: Pro homo 'Case Against 8'
• Louisiana Governor Jindal says rebellion is brewing in our country
• Libs go after Scott Walker with charges that have been thrown out
• Scott Walker standing strong: 'I will not back down'
• Obama's homosexual exec order opens door to national cemeteries
• Homos buried in National Cemeteries are literally burning in hell
• Monologue on going to hell: God does not send people there
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
Show Notes • Links • Audio/Video
• Side One
• Presbyterian Assembly: Gay Marriage Is Christian
• Presbyterians narrowly vote to divest from companies used by Israel | Fox News
• Congressman Gowdy Ashamed and Angry - YouTube
• Blog: The Lost IRS E-mails Exist!
• Blog: IRS contracted with email archiving company in 2005
• Gay pride flag hoisted above US embassy in Israel | Fox News
• Another Gay Pride Flag Flap as POW-MIA Banner Is Replaced & Vets Angered in Massachusetts | LibertyNEWS.com
• Patently Absurd Activism on 'Redskins' - Brent Bozell - Page 1
• MSNBC's Reid Warns Viewers of On-Air Use of 'Redskins' - YouTube
• Obama Marks End of Iraq War - YouTube
• Obama Gives Outline for Next Step in Iraq - YouTube
• John McCain: We Won Iraq, Obama Lost It - YouTube
• Obama: It Wasn't My Decision to Pull Troops Out of Iraq - YouTube
• Side Two
• WaPo: Wait, didn’t Obama take credit for full Iraq withdrawal in 2011? « Hot Air
• Blog: Bombshell: IRS cancelled email backup contract just weeks after Lois Lerner's computer 'crashed'
• The Case Against 8: Trailer (HBO Documentary Films) - YouTube
• Louisiana Gov. Jindal claims 'rebellion brewing' against Washington | Fox News
• Gov. Scott Walker's 'Criminal Scheme' of Illegal Campaign Fundraising - YouTube
• Wisconsin Governor at Center of a Vast Fund-Raising Case - NYTimes.com
• Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Accused of 'Criminal Fundraising Scheme' - YouTube
• Scott Walker: 'No Doubt' Media, Left Trying to Do to Me What They Did to Chris Christie - YouTube

• Obama expands government benefits for gay couples - AP News 6/20/2014 8:24 PM
• The Cretins: Onward Xian Soldiers - YouTube