Wednesday, August 12, 2009


S H O W . N U M B E R . 1 5 0
ObamaCare, detailed coverage and analysis
Britain's NHS employs 1.4 million people

Show No. 150-2009

Hour ONE • Click HERE to download
Opening • ObamaCare coverage • Audio: Arlen Specter townhall meeting erupts • Audio: Arlen Specter on CBS • 'Health care critics don't speak for America' • Ayn Rand on socialized medicine • Audio: Ronald Reagan on socialized medicine • Audio: Michael Savage on the Specter townhall meeting • Obama says critics use 'scare tactics' • Audio: Obama in New Hampshire • 'Let's thank the band!' • A little girls question • Discussing 'end of life counseling' in this country • Does America stand for life?

Hour TWO • Click HERE to download
Rep. John Campbell, facts and figures about British National Health Service • Audio: Obama says it's the post office that's always having problems! • Editorial: Introduce tort reform to cut health care costs • Newsmax piece, Obama's strong arm tactics • Klavan on the culture: The liberals' viewpoint is 'shut up' • SonlitKnight Update: McDonnell election update • Liberals pandering & paying for votes: George Soros and democrats pay off needy parents • Rant: Welfare & food stamps not enough • Why Obama is not a Christian, Reason 3 • Now is the time to plan Obama's defeat • The war on terrorism is over, according to the White House • Time Magazine cover, Dr. Obama

Show notes • Links • Audio/Video
Youtube: Arlen Specter townhall meeting erupts
CBSNews: Article, Health care critics don't speak for America
CBS Video: Arlen Specter on The Early Show
FreedomMedium: Ayn Rand & Ronald Reagan on socialized medicine
Youtube: Ronald Reagan on socialized medicine
Youtube: Michael Savage on the Specter townhall meeting
Yahoo: Obama says critics use 'scare tactics'
Youtube: Obama townhall in New Hampshire
Rep. John Campbell posts NHS figures from Britain
Breitbart: Obama says it's the post office that's always having problems
Editorial, Introduce tort reform to cut health care costs
Newsmax: Obama's strong arm tactics chilling
BeltwayBlips: Klavan on the culture
NYDailyNews: Back to school spree, $200 per child no strings attached
Newsmax: Now is the time to plan Obama's defeat
WashingtonTimes: War on terrorism is over
Time Magazine Cover, Paging Dr. Obama


Grumpy Putz said...

I'm downloading your show now. watched the Specter meeting. I tried to call this turncoat a few weeks ago to persuade him not to vote for the hate crime legislation... said he would get back to me but never did. We really don't have a voice. My daughter keeps raggin' on the protesters at the town hall meetings - I'm trying to convince her that our elected things don't want to listen to us. I'm afraid she's turning into a lib. Pray for us.

P.S. Thanks for the gracious comments on yesterday's show - Knight sounds like an honorable caring patriot. I did take task with a few things he said but I'm through with arguing. I think we're basically on the same page - we want to save the country from the dems who are running us off a cliff in a Maserati. Will reserve my future comments for items of mutual disappointment/disgust unless it is a blatant topic that I feel I must defend. Dave

SonlitKnight said...

The story of Rifqa Barry proves that Obama is a muslim. There are no concerns for his safety because he never really converted. He's a muslim.