Congress should live under the same laws we do
Al Sharpton says Rush Limbaugh is race baiting (!)
Mark Stein's airport story in Vermont
Show No. 215-2010
Hour ONE • Click HERE to download
Opening • Audio: News story: Woman told to remove her prosthetic breast by the TSA • Audio: Joy Behar upset with Joel Osteen and the Bible over homosexuality • Audio: Laura Ingraham talks with CAIR spokeswoman about Muslims and TSA pat-down procedure • Audio: Ed Schultz and Al Sharpton call for the FCC to regulate Rush Limbaugh • Al Sharpton accuses Rush Limbaugh of using race to polarize the US • Liberal critics slam Obama for faith-based policies •'s defense for selling the pedophile book • Republican conference in the Senate keeps earmark vote secret • Housing starts lowest in 18 months • Audio: Sarah Palin says that she can beat Barack Obama •
Hour TWO • Click HERE to download
Opening • The Jimmy Z Comment Line: Robert on the TSA and Rush Limbaugh • Audio: Mark Steyn's comedy, subbing for Rush Limbaugh • Rant: Congress must be made to live under the same laws that we do • Audio: Mark Steyn talks about his experience at the airport in Vermont • Jimmy Z & SonlitKnight: 25 Reasons Barack Obama Cannot Win Re-election • Audio: Socialists call for violence against conservatives •
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
Show Notes • Links • Audio/Video
• YouTube: Woman told by TSA to remove prosthetic breast
• YouTube: Joy Behar to Pastor Joel Osteen: The Bible is terrible because it's against homosexuals
• Fox News: Airports consider Congressman's call to ditch the TSA
• Fox News: Some muslims want special treatment from the TSA
• YouTube: Al Sharpton with Ed Schultz: FCC must step in and regulate Rush Limbaugh
• News OK: Critics blast Obama on faith-based hiring rules
• I'm Kane: defends selling guide book for pedophiles
• Dick Morris: It all rides on earmark ban
• CNN: Housing starts hit lowest level in a year
• ABC News: Sarah Palin thinking of running for President, says she can beat Obama
• Rush Limbaugh: Thursday November 18 with Mark Steyn
• Facebook: SonlitKnight: 25 reasons why it is impossible for Obama to get re-elected
• The Blaze: Socialists call for violence against conservatives
• YouTube: Joy Behar to Pastor Joel Osteen: The Bible is terrible because it's against homosexuals
• Fox News: Airports consider Congressman's call to ditch the TSA
• Fox News: Some muslims want special treatment from the TSA
• YouTube: Al Sharpton with Ed Schultz: FCC must step in and regulate Rush Limbaugh
• News OK: Critics blast Obama on faith-based hiring rules
• I'm Kane: defends selling guide book for pedophiles
• Dick Morris: It all rides on earmark ban
• CNN: Housing starts hit lowest level in a year
• ABC News: Sarah Palin thinking of running for President, says she can beat Obama
• Facebook: SonlitKnight: 25 reasons why it is impossible for Obama to get re-elected
• The Blaze: Socialists call for violence against conservatives
1 comment:
Why are they not using dogs? Following is great sight relating to the usage of the K9's.
I've heard that if a person refuses the scanning & the groping, they will be detained & fined. Is that true?
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