Friday, January 30, 2009
• Jimmy Z is off this Friday
Some of the Best Recent shows
While our hero Jimmy Z is taking the day off, this affords you a great opportunity to catch up on some of the best of the best internet radio - The Jimmy Z Show.
The Obama Inauguration Special
Featuring a jammin' montage of comedy, music, commentary & parody - this show helped many make it through a day of sickening media hoopla.
Click HERE to listen.
The Jimmy Z Show Interview:
Steven Crowder
Conservative comedian Steven Crowder is topical and hysterical. His appearance on The Jimmy Z Show shows why he's very popular on youtube.
Click HERE to listen.
The Jimmy Z Show Interview:
The Teen Conservative
Not only is this young man interesting and insightful, but his perspective on the inaugural of Barack Obama is a first had account of a conservative's bird's eye view of history.
Click HERE to listen.
The Jimmy Z Show Interview:
Paul Ramsey
Ramzpaul on youtube and his blog, The Integrated Man, brings a complete different perspective to news stories and issues of the day with a humorist's edge. Highly enjoyable interview.
Click HERE to listen.
Jimmy Z returns this weekend for another Jimmy Z Weekend Show.
Click the links to the right in order to follow Jimmy Z on Twitter or via email.
Some of the Best Recent shows

The Obama Inauguration Special
Featuring a jammin' montage of comedy, music, commentary & parody - this show helped many make it through a day of sickening media hoopla.
Click HERE to listen.
The Jimmy Z Show Interview:
Steven Crowder
Conservative comedian Steven Crowder is topical and hysterical. His appearance on The Jimmy Z Show shows why he's very popular on youtube.
Click HERE to listen.
The Jimmy Z Show Interview:
The Teen Conservative
Not only is this young man interesting and insightful, but his perspective on the inaugural of Barack Obama is a first had account of a conservative's bird's eye view of history.
Click HERE to listen.
The Jimmy Z Show Interview:
Paul Ramsey
Ramzpaul on youtube and his blog, The Integrated Man, brings a complete different perspective to news stories and issues of the day with a humorist's edge. Highly enjoyable interview.
Click HERE to listen.
Jimmy Z returns this weekend for another Jimmy Z Weekend Show.
Click the links to the right in order to follow Jimmy Z on Twitter or via email.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
• Moveon begins running anti-Limbaugh ads!
Barack Obama gets help from the Soros crowd
Astounding isn't it? We have Rush fighting the pork-filled Obama stimulus lie, and now the fringe kooks are getting into the act. Why? Why are they spending all this money when Obama does not need any Republican votes?
CLICK HERE to listen to the new anti-Limbaugh, pro-pork-ulus ad
Because they know that if the democrats alone vote to send this socialist bill through, the Republicans can use it against them in 2010. Hang in there Republicans. DO NOT back down!
Here's Limbaugh's take on the ad:
" and a bunch of unions announced a series of TV ads going up tomorrow in several states aimed at scaring GOP Senators into voting for Obama's Porkulus Bill. The ads pit me against Obama.
"Laughing Out Loud here. I am being Alinskied. Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, Number 13: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy.
"I am being used to distract from the polls (Rasmussen) showing falling support for the Porkulus bill. Senate Republicans need to understand this is NOT about me. It is about them, about intimidating them, especially after the show of unity in House. It is about the 2010 and 2012 elections. This is an opportunity for Republicans to redefine themselves after a few years of wandering aimlessly looking for a "brand" and identity."
--Rush Limbaugh
Barack Obama gets help from the Soros crowd
Astounding isn't it? We have Rush fighting the pork-filled Obama stimulus lie, and now the fringe kooks are getting into the act. Why? Why are they spending all this money when Obama does not need any Republican votes?
CLICK HERE to listen to the new anti-Limbaugh, pro-pork-ulus ad
Because they know that if the democrats alone vote to send this socialist bill through, the Republicans can use it against them in 2010. Hang in there Republicans. DO NOT back down!
Here's Limbaugh's take on the ad:

"Laughing Out Loud here. I am being Alinskied. Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, Number 13: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy.
"I am being used to distract from the polls (Rasmussen) showing falling support for the Porkulus bill. Senate Republicans need to understand this is NOT about me. It is about them, about intimidating them, especially after the show of unity in House. It is about the 2010 and 2012 elections. This is an opportunity for Republicans to redefine themselves after a few years of wandering aimlessly looking for a "brand" and identity."
--Rush Limbaugh
• The Jimmy Z Thursday Show - in STEREO
Republicans vote 'No!'
Each segment is approximately 30 minutes in length.
Click HERE for Part One
Opening sequence • 'I Am Barack, I'm the Messiah' (Paul Shanklin) • Recent interviews on TJZS • Republicans stood together and voted no • Wayne Garcia says the 'no vote' was just a stunt • The Rush Limbaugh BiPartisan Stimulous Plan • O'Reilly on Bush-hate poll data
Click HERE for Part Two
Rush on CNBC discussing his plan • Is Limbaugh a hinderance to the GOP? • Ignorance is bliss, so what's the opposite? • Republicans must continue to vote 'no' • Perusing the Black & Right website • Three quick hits: White House to go after talk shows • What did the President tell the Supreme Court? • Economic Stimulous? Feds want your medical records!
Show notes and linkage:
• Wayne Garcia says the 'no vote' was just a stunt HERE
• Rush Limbaugh's Stimulous Plan HERE
• Rush Limbaugh on CNBC HERE
• Transcript of Rush on CNBC HERE
• Rush a hinderence to the GOP? HERE
• Black & Right: Economic 'Pork-ulous' plan breakdown HERE
• Black & Right: Obama apologizes to muslims HERE
• White House to go after talk shows HERE
• What did the President tell the Supreme Court? HERE
• Economic Stimulous? Feds want your medical records HERE
Contact the show, follow me on twitter, or become a subscriber via email - use the links within the right hand column to stay up to date with The Jimmy Z Show!
Republicans vote 'No!'
Each segment is approximately 30 minutes in length.

Opening sequence • 'I Am Barack, I'm the Messiah' (Paul Shanklin) • Recent interviews on TJZS • Republicans stood together and voted no • Wayne Garcia says the 'no vote' was just a stunt • The Rush Limbaugh BiPartisan Stimulous Plan • O'Reilly on Bush-hate poll data
Click HERE for Part Two
Rush on CNBC discussing his plan • Is Limbaugh a hinderance to the GOP? • Ignorance is bliss, so what's the opposite? • Republicans must continue to vote 'no' • Perusing the Black & Right website • Three quick hits: White House to go after talk shows • What did the President tell the Supreme Court? • Economic Stimulous? Feds want your medical records!
Show notes and linkage:
• Wayne Garcia says the 'no vote' was just a stunt HERE
• Rush Limbaugh's Stimulous Plan HERE
• Rush Limbaugh on CNBC HERE
• Transcript of Rush on CNBC HERE
• Rush a hinderence to the GOP? HERE
• Black & Right: Economic 'Pork-ulous' plan breakdown HERE
• Black & Right: Obama apologizes to muslims HERE
• White House to go after talk shows HERE
• What did the President tell the Supreme Court? HERE
• Economic Stimulous? Feds want your medical records HERE
Contact the show, follow me on twitter, or become a subscriber via email - use the links within the right hand column to stay up to date with The Jimmy Z Show!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
• The Jimmy Z Wednesday Show - in STEREO
Paul Ramsey joins Jimmy Z today during Part 2
Each segment runs approximately 30 minutes.
Click HERE for Part One
Opening sequence/Song: I Am Jimmy Z • The Star Spangled Banner (The Cactus Cuties) • Husband & Wife in Wilmington, CA did not kill their five children because of the economy • Obama's 'Blue Political Wall' • Bernard Goldberg's stunning new book regarding Obama and the media
Click HERE for Part Two
The Jimmy Z Show Interview: Paul Ramsey of 'The Integrated Man' blog • Internet activism • Political royalty • Liberals in California and DC • Hate comments • Smoking as protest • Fighting the evils of nitrogen • Robert Reich speaks out on 'white male construction workers'
• The Integrated Man can be found HERE
• Ramzpaul's Youtube channel is HERE
There are some rare instances of adult language; in context and not inappropriate
Show notes and linkage:
• Michelle Malkin on the family murder-suicide in Wilmington HERE
• Obama's Blue Political Wall HERE
•'s page for Bernard Goldberg's new book HERE
Tomorrow, an all topic-driven show with your friend and mine, Jimmy Z
Thanks for listening everyone.
You can keep up with the latest show info - via Twitter or email.
• A few of my favorite ramzpaul youtube bits:
. . . .
Paul Ramsey joins Jimmy Z today during Part 2
Each segment runs approximately 30 minutes.

Opening sequence/Song: I Am Jimmy Z • The Star Spangled Banner (The Cactus Cuties) • Husband & Wife in Wilmington, CA did not kill their five children because of the economy • Obama's 'Blue Political Wall' • Bernard Goldberg's stunning new book regarding Obama and the media
Click HERE for Part Two
The Jimmy Z Show Interview: Paul Ramsey of 'The Integrated Man' blog • Internet activism • Political royalty • Liberals in California and DC • Hate comments • Smoking as protest • Fighting the evils of nitrogen • Robert Reich speaks out on 'white male construction workers'
• The Integrated Man can be found HERE
• Ramzpaul's Youtube channel is HERE
There are some rare instances of adult language; in context and not inappropriate
Show notes and linkage:
• Michelle Malkin on the family murder-suicide in Wilmington HERE
• Obama's Blue Political Wall HERE
•'s page for Bernard Goldberg's new book HERE
Tomorrow, an all topic-driven show with your friend and mine, Jimmy Z
Thanks for listening everyone.
You can keep up with the latest show info - via Twitter or email.
• A few of my favorite ramzpaul youtube bits:

Monday, January 26, 2009
• The Jimmy Z Tuesday Show - in STEREO
S P E C I A L . E D I T I O N
The Jimmy Z Show Interview:
The Teen Conservative
Each segment runs approximately 30 minutes.
Click HERE for Part One
Opening sequence • The Jimmy Z Show Interview with The Teen Conservative • Inauguration event • Crowd observations • Oath and Speech
Click HERE for Part Two
Interview with The Teen Conservative (conclusion) • President Obama • Executive orders • Administration appointees • Recent liberal quotes and comments
• The Teen Conservative Blog HERE
• The Teen Conservative Radio HERE
• Two Teen Conservative videos shot in Washington DC:
. . . . . . .
My sincere thanks for a very interesting hour with The Teen Conservative. Please pass this interview around to your friends, relatives and neighbors. This is the kind of young man that changes people's minds.
The Jimmy Z Show Interview:
The Teen Conservative
Each segment runs approximately 30 minutes.

Opening sequence • The Jimmy Z Show Interview with The Teen Conservative • Inauguration event • Crowd observations • Oath and Speech
Click HERE for Part Two
Interview with The Teen Conservative (conclusion) • President Obama • Executive orders • Administration appointees • Recent liberal quotes and comments
• The Teen Conservative Blog HERE
• The Teen Conservative Radio HERE
• Two Teen Conservative videos shot in Washington DC:
• The Jimmy Z Monday Show - In STEREO
Jimmy Z skewers the left again
Each segment runs approximately 30 minutes long.
Click HERE for Part One
Opening • Upcoming interviews • Rant: 'I never thought I'd see the day!' is the result of Sharpton, Jackson, etc • Support Obama because he's the first 'black' president? • Obama & Climate Change • Obama lifts the ban of abortion funding overseas • Obama is 'The Face of Black Genocide" • Star Parker at World Net Daily on abortion
Click HERE for Part Two
Nancy Pelosi says that contraception (abortion too) stimulates the economy • The Catholic Review on Obama lifting the ban to fund abortions overseas • Humor: strange fellow on youtube tells conservatives to 'go f- yourself' • Naive, arrogant Obama annoyed by the press already • Obama shows how bipartisanship will work • Economic advisor for Obama says Bush tax cuts are dead
Click HERE for Part Three
A new beginning for conservatives on the internet • Governor Patterson may feel a backlash over Kennedy snub • Blago says the rules for impeachment are unfair • Blago has 'gone insane' says a state representative • Obama's 'bipartisanship' crumbles, Obama fights with Rush Limbaugh • Arrogant Obama: 'I won, I'm the president' • Ways to incorporate the Jimmy Z Show into your day • Close
Show notes and linkage
• Obama 'The Face of Black Genocide' HERE
• Catholic Review on Obama lifting the ban to fund overseas abortions HERE
• Star Parker lets Obama have it regarding abortion HERE
• Nancy Pelosi says contraception stimulates the economy HERE
• Youtube fellow telling conservatives to 'go f- yourself' (LANGUAGE WARNING) HERE
• Bush tax cuts are dead HERE
• Patterson will feel the democrat backlash HERE
• Blago says the rules of impeachment are unfair HERE
• Blago 'has gone insane' HERE
• Obama the child-king says 'I won, I'm the president' HERE
• Bipartisonship crumbles, Obama fights with Rush Limbaugh HERE, HERE & HERE
More show tomorrow, stay tuned via Twitter or email!
"I now have [Obama's] face to put on black genocide. He's released hard-earned tax dollars to kill babies... The most dangerous place for an African-American to be is in the womb of their African-American mother."
--Rev. Clinard Childress
• Blago upset by impeachment rules:
Jimmy Z skewers the left again
Each segment runs approximately 30 minutes long.

Opening • Upcoming interviews • Rant: 'I never thought I'd see the day!' is the result of Sharpton, Jackson, etc • Support Obama because he's the first 'black' president? • Obama & Climate Change • Obama lifts the ban of abortion funding overseas • Obama is 'The Face of Black Genocide" • Star Parker at World Net Daily on abortion
Click HERE for Part Two
Nancy Pelosi says that contraception (abortion too) stimulates the economy • The Catholic Review on Obama lifting the ban to fund abortions overseas • Humor: strange fellow on youtube tells conservatives to 'go f- yourself' • Naive, arrogant Obama annoyed by the press already • Obama shows how bipartisanship will work • Economic advisor for Obama says Bush tax cuts are dead
Click HERE for Part Three
A new beginning for conservatives on the internet • Governor Patterson may feel a backlash over Kennedy snub • Blago says the rules for impeachment are unfair • Blago has 'gone insane' says a state representative • Obama's 'bipartisanship' crumbles, Obama fights with Rush Limbaugh • Arrogant Obama: 'I won, I'm the president' • Ways to incorporate the Jimmy Z Show into your day • Close
Show notes and linkage
• Obama 'The Face of Black Genocide' HERE
• Catholic Review on Obama lifting the ban to fund overseas abortions HERE
• Star Parker lets Obama have it regarding abortion HERE
• Nancy Pelosi says contraception stimulates the economy HERE
• Youtube fellow telling conservatives to 'go f- yourself' (LANGUAGE WARNING) HERE
• Bush tax cuts are dead HERE
• Patterson will feel the democrat backlash HERE
• Blago says the rules of impeachment are unfair HERE
• Blago 'has gone insane' HERE
• Obama the child-king says 'I won, I'm the president' HERE
• Bipartisonship crumbles, Obama fights with Rush Limbaugh HERE, HERE & HERE
More show tomorrow, stay tuned via Twitter or email!
"I now have [Obama's] face to put on black genocide. He's released hard-earned tax dollars to kill babies... The most dangerous place for an African-American to be is in the womb of their African-American mother."
--Rev. Clinard Childress
• Blago upset by impeachment rules:

Saturday, January 24, 2009
• The Jimmy Z Weekend Show - in STEREO
The Jimmy Z Weekend Show for your pleasure
What Reich said! Whoa!
Each segment runs approximately 30 minutes.
Click HERE for Part One
Opening (gninepO) • Celebrities 'pledge' to Obama video • Obama photo burned in Iran • McCain goes back to being McCain (Hint: Not conservative!) • Comment to Media Tizzy on her blog
Click HERE for Part Two
Bush daughters' letter to Obama daughters • Robert Reich's outrageous racist statement • Ramzpaul's parody of Reich • More from Ramzpaul on the 'Fight against Nitrogen' • Michelle Malkin: Robert Reich
Click HERE for Part Three
Fabulous, amazing wide angle photo of the Inauguration • Michelle Obama will be the next Princess Di or a black Jackie Onasis • Angry liberal email to young republican columnist • The Rush Limbaugh Interview available in the show notes • Rush on Conservatism • Michael Savage to Robert Reich - stunning • Opening ticket to a big personal appearance
Show notes/links:
• The celebrity pledge to Obama video HERE
• Time online piece re: celebrity pledge to Obama HERE
• Photo of Obama photo burned in Iran HERE
• John McCain back to being a pain in the ass HERE
• Bush daughters write to Obama daughters HERE
• Debra JM Smith's analysis of the Bush daughters' letter HERE
• Robert Reich clip HERE
• Robert Reich parody by Ramzpaul HERE
• Ramzpaul's Fight against Nitrogen at Starbuck's video HERE
• Robert Reich analysis by Michelle Malkin HERE
• Robert Reich analysis by Michael Savage HERE
• Inauguration Wide Angle Photo HERE
• Young republican column at the Washington Post HERE
• Angry liberal email to republican columnist HERE
• Rush Limbaugh Interview HERE and HERE
• Transcript of Rush Limbaugh Interview HERE
As always, thanks for listening! Twitter me or join my email list!
The Jimmy Z Weekend Show for your pleasure

Each segment runs approximately 30 minutes.
Click HERE for Part One
Opening (gninepO) • Celebrities 'pledge' to Obama video • Obama photo burned in Iran • McCain goes back to being McCain (Hint: Not conservative!) • Comment to Media Tizzy on her blog
Click HERE for Part Two
Bush daughters' letter to Obama daughters • Robert Reich's outrageous racist statement • Ramzpaul's parody of Reich • More from Ramzpaul on the 'Fight against Nitrogen' • Michelle Malkin: Robert Reich
Click HERE for Part Three
Fabulous, amazing wide angle photo of the Inauguration • Michelle Obama will be the next Princess Di or a black Jackie Onasis • Angry liberal email to young republican columnist • The Rush Limbaugh Interview available in the show notes • Rush on Conservatism • Michael Savage to Robert Reich - stunning • Opening ticket to a big personal appearance
Show notes/links:
• The celebrity pledge to Obama video HERE
• Time online piece re: celebrity pledge to Obama HERE
• Photo of Obama photo burned in Iran HERE
• John McCain back to being a pain in the ass HERE
• Bush daughters write to Obama daughters HERE
• Debra JM Smith's analysis of the Bush daughters' letter HERE
• Robert Reich clip HERE
• Robert Reich parody by Ramzpaul HERE
• Ramzpaul's Fight against Nitrogen at Starbuck's video HERE
• Robert Reich analysis by Michelle Malkin HERE
• Robert Reich analysis by Michael Savage HERE
• Inauguration Wide Angle Photo HERE
• Young republican column at the Washington Post HERE
• Angry liberal email to republican columnist HERE
• Rush Limbaugh Interview HERE and HERE
• Transcript of Rush Limbaugh Interview HERE
As always, thanks for listening! Twitter me or join my email list!
Friday, January 23, 2009
• The Jimmy Z Friday Show - in STEREO
The show that starts your weekend right!
One full hour, vacuum packed for freshness!
Each show segment runs approximately 30 minutes.
Contains material not suitable for morons.
Click HERE for Part One
Opening • Sweet Caroline (You Know!) • The Jimmy Z Show in space • Caroline out, Kirsten in • Letter to the editor re: Bush's war on terrorism • Comedy clip: Steven Crowder • The Jimmy Z Show Interview: Steven Crowder
Click HERE for Part Two
Comedy clip: Steven Crowder • The Jimmy Z Show Interview: Steven Crowder (conclusion) • Funeral for a 4 year old boy • Larry Elder on Obama & Bush • Hollywood can't keep a home for the elderly open!?
• Steven Crowder's Website HERE
• Steven Crowder's Youtube channel HERE
• Most recent Steven Crowder youtube clips:
• Caroline out, Kirsten in HERE
• War on terror ended by Obama HERE
• Funeral for a 4 year old boy HERE
• Larry Elder on Obama & Bush HERE
• Hollywood can't keep a home for the elderly open!? HERE & HERE
Follow Jimmy Z on Twitter!
Get notifications of new shows the moment they hit the web!
Add yourself to the Jimmy Z email list!
The show that starts your weekend right!

Each show segment runs approximately 30 minutes.
Contains material not suitable for morons.
Click HERE for Part One
Opening • Sweet Caroline (You Know!) • The Jimmy Z Show in space • Caroline out, Kirsten in • Letter to the editor re: Bush's war on terrorism • Comedy clip: Steven Crowder • The Jimmy Z Show Interview: Steven Crowder
Click HERE for Part Two
Comedy clip: Steven Crowder • The Jimmy Z Show Interview: Steven Crowder (conclusion) • Funeral for a 4 year old boy • Larry Elder on Obama & Bush • Hollywood can't keep a home for the elderly open!?
• Steven Crowder's Website HERE
• Steven Crowder's Youtube channel HERE
• Most recent Steven Crowder youtube clips:
• Caroline out, Kirsten in HERE
• War on terror ended by Obama HERE
• Funeral for a 4 year old boy HERE
• Larry Elder on Obama & Bush HERE
• Hollywood can't keep a home for the elderly open!? HERE & HERE
Follow Jimmy Z on Twitter!
Get notifications of new shows the moment they hit the web!
Add yourself to the Jimmy Z email list!

Thursday, January 22, 2009
• The Jimmy Z Thursday Show - in STEREO
Fun and frivolity and horror - all on the Jimmy Z Show!
Another bold and brash & stunning display of radio virtuosity!
Each segment is approximately 30 minutes in length.
Click HERE for Part One
Opening • Rant: The darkness of the Obama era • Friend banned from college football message board for dismissing Obama • Obama corruption TV ad • Obama plate 'Letter from Steve' comedy • Apology letter from complainant over Air Force fly-by • Evil left wing chat room liberal hasn't paid Obama campaign's bill • Racism and hatred for Bush motivated many voters
Click HERE for Part Two
Commentary: On Obama, Martin Luther King & African Americans • Bill Keller on Oprah's unhappiness • Email to a granddaughter (via email) • BOOKMARKS: Bush showed the US is no paper tiger • Black civil rights fight is not over • Coronation Day DOW plunge
Click HERE for Part Three
Obama song by indoctrinated, sleepy looking youth • Palin & Bush songs by two hateful liberals • Euphoric nitwits talk about finally believing Americans run the country, because of Obama • TV ratings: Obama second to Ronald Reagan • Bob Parks' Black & Right website: 'Listening to Obama you feel God is speaking to you' • Schwarzenegger seeks high limits on car exhaust • MUST HEAR: Dick Morris on Obama's coming socialism - you should be scared
Show notes and links:
• Evil left wing chat participant & Obama refuse to pay landowner HERE
• Bill Keller: Obama is unhappy HERE
• Bush showed us that the US is no paper tiger HERE
• Black civil rights fight rages on HERE
• DOW plunges as Coronation proceeds HERE
• USS Green Bay info HERE
• TV ratings, Obama second to Reagan HERE
• Bob Parks' Black & Right website, 'God is speaking to you' HERE
• Schwarzenegger seeks high limits on car exhaust HERE
• Dick Morris' important piece on the coming socialism HERE
• Youtube videos we "enjoyed":
Thanks for listening - as always your comments and critiques are welcomed!
Follow me on Twitter, Click HERE! --JZ
Fun and frivolity and horror - all on the Jimmy Z Show!

Each segment is approximately 30 minutes in length.
Click HERE for Part One
Opening • Rant: The darkness of the Obama era • Friend banned from college football message board for dismissing Obama • Obama corruption TV ad • Obama plate 'Letter from Steve' comedy • Apology letter from complainant over Air Force fly-by • Evil left wing chat room liberal hasn't paid Obama campaign's bill • Racism and hatred for Bush motivated many voters
Click HERE for Part Two
Commentary: On Obama, Martin Luther King & African Americans • Bill Keller on Oprah's unhappiness • Email to a granddaughter (via email) • BOOKMARKS: Bush showed the US is no paper tiger • Black civil rights fight is not over • Coronation Day DOW plunge
Click HERE for Part Three
Obama song by indoctrinated, sleepy looking youth • Palin & Bush songs by two hateful liberals • Euphoric nitwits talk about finally believing Americans run the country, because of Obama • TV ratings: Obama second to Ronald Reagan • Bob Parks' Black & Right website: 'Listening to Obama you feel God is speaking to you' • Schwarzenegger seeks high limits on car exhaust • MUST HEAR: Dick Morris on Obama's coming socialism - you should be scared
Show notes and links:
• Evil left wing chat participant & Obama refuse to pay landowner HERE
• Bill Keller: Obama is unhappy HERE
• Bush showed us that the US is no paper tiger HERE
• Black civil rights fight rages on HERE
• DOW plunges as Coronation proceeds HERE
• USS Green Bay info HERE
• TV ratings, Obama second to Reagan HERE
• Bob Parks' Black & Right website, 'God is speaking to you' HERE
• Schwarzenegger seeks high limits on car exhaust HERE
• Dick Morris' important piece on the coming socialism HERE
• Youtube videos we "enjoyed":
Thanks for listening - as always your comments and critiques are welcomed!
Follow me on Twitter, Click HERE! --JZ
• Bill Keller of
The prayer that Rick Warren should have given as the invocation at the Inauguration of B. Hussein Obama:
Almighty God, the Author of the Bible and the Creator of the Universe, the one and only God there is, hear the humble pleas of your people today.
Oh God, we have no right to even ask for your blessings on this day. We are a wicked and sinful people.
We slaughter 4,000 innocent lives every 24 hours. We have made a mockery of your Holy Institution of Marriage and the family.
While claiming to be a friend to Israel, we have cursed your chosen people by plotting with her enemies.
We have forsaken you for every false god and idol man has created out of his rebellious mind. For all of these gross indiscretions we can only ask your forgiveness.
We deserve your wrath and judgment oh God, but pray that you will extend to us your grace and mercy.
We ask your blessings on our incoming President and his family. Oh God, I pray that they will surrender their hearts and lives to you and that they will be guided by the only Truth there is, your Holy Word.
May this nation today recognize that we are totally dependent upon you and that our blessings come from above as we faithfully and obediently follow and honor you with our lives.
May we turn back to you and the Truth of your Word and ask you to bless us as we do.
In the name that is above all names, the only name by which men are saved, the name of the Savior of the world, JesusChrist.
• Keller delivers the prayer Warren should have:

Oh God, we have no right to even ask for your blessings on this day. We are a wicked and sinful people.
We slaughter 4,000 innocent lives every 24 hours. We have made a mockery of your Holy Institution of Marriage and the family.
While claiming to be a friend to Israel, we have cursed your chosen people by plotting with her enemies.
We have forsaken you for every false god and idol man has created out of his rebellious mind. For all of these gross indiscretions we can only ask your forgiveness.
We deserve your wrath and judgment oh God, but pray that you will extend to us your grace and mercy.
We ask your blessings on our incoming President and his family. Oh God, I pray that they will surrender their hearts and lives to you and that they will be guided by the only Truth there is, your Holy Word.
May this nation today recognize that we are totally dependent upon you and that our blessings come from above as we faithfully and obediently follow and honor you with our lives.
May we turn back to you and the Truth of your Word and ask you to bless us as we do.
In the name that is above all names, the only name by which men are saved, the name of the Savior of the world, JesusChrist.
• Keller delivers the prayer Warren should have:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
• The Jimmy Z Inauguration Special - in STEREO
'Pray Obama Fails'
Jimmy Z Delivers just what you need to get through today!
A one part presentation today featuring:
• A montage dedicated to Obama on this Coronatio--, oops, I mean Inauguration Day
• World Net Daily's Joseph Farah urges you to pray that Obama fails
• Rush Limbaugh: "I hope Obama fails!"
• Eddie Murphy clip from his 1992 film 'The Distinguished Gentleman'
The segment runs approximately 37 minutes.
Click HERE to listen to the Jimmy Z Inauguration Day special!
Obama Montage, Part 1 (including music, comedy bits, song parodies, clips of Obama himself speaking) • Jimmy Z sharing Joseph Farah's urgent request to pray for Obama to fail • Rush Limbaugh: I hope Obama fails! • Eddie Murphy in 1992's The Distinguished Gentleman: "The issue is change! Change for the future! The people have spoken!" • Obama Montage, Part 2 (more music, comedy, and words from Obama himself)
• World Net Daily article HERE
• Transcript of Rush Limbaugh's "I hope Obama fails!" HERE
See you tomorrow - Pray for America and her leaders, please.
'Pray Obama Fails'
Jimmy Z Delivers just what you need to get through today!

• A montage dedicated to Obama on this Coronatio--, oops, I mean Inauguration Day
• World Net Daily's Joseph Farah urges you to pray that Obama fails
• Rush Limbaugh: "I hope Obama fails!"
• Eddie Murphy clip from his 1992 film 'The Distinguished Gentleman'
The segment runs approximately 37 minutes.
Click HERE to listen to the Jimmy Z Inauguration Day special!
Obama Montage, Part 1 (including music, comedy bits, song parodies, clips of Obama himself speaking) • Jimmy Z sharing Joseph Farah's urgent request to pray for Obama to fail • Rush Limbaugh: I hope Obama fails! • Eddie Murphy in 1992's The Distinguished Gentleman: "The issue is change! Change for the future! The people have spoken!" • Obama Montage, Part 2 (more music, comedy, and words from Obama himself)
• World Net Daily article HERE
• Transcript of Rush Limbaugh's "I hope Obama fails!" HERE
See you tomorrow - Pray for America and her leaders, please.
Monday, January 19, 2009
• The Jimmy Z Monday Show - In STEREO
Ramos and Compean Pardoned & Jimmy Z's commentary!
There's a whole lotta show in a short 60 minutes! Enjoy!
Each segment runs approximately 30 minutes each.
Click HERE for Part One!
Opening • "I Won't Back Down" • Ramos & Compean pardoned: This began the illegal immigration debate? • Nauseated by the media's Obama adoration • The African American President • Monumental expectations of Obama's speech & Jimmy Z rant • Ann Coulter on Lou Dobbs - Audio
Click HERE for Part Two!
Coulter continued, youtube comments • Former home of The Jimmy Z Show pretends to be tolerant • Obama team sold exclusive rights to public inaugural events • Watching Harry Reid website • Freedom isn't desired by many in the Home of the Brave • Pelosi's naked grab for power • Close
• Ann Coulter on Lou Dobbs HERE
• Monumental expectations of Obama's speech HERE
• Ramos and Compean pardoned HERE
• Former home of The Jimmy Z Show invites Obama HERE
• Obama Inaugural team sells exclusive TV rights to public events HERE
• Watching Harry Reid site HERE
• Freedom is not for everyone HERE
• Center for Individual Freedom's Pelosi story HERE
Much more tomorrow - do not miss a single episode of The Jimmy Z Show!
Ramos and Compean Pardoned & Jimmy Z's commentary!
There's a whole lotta show in a short 60 minutes! Enjoy!
Each segment runs approximately 30 minutes each.

Opening • "I Won't Back Down" • Ramos & Compean pardoned: This began the illegal immigration debate? • Nauseated by the media's Obama adoration • The African American President • Monumental expectations of Obama's speech & Jimmy Z rant • Ann Coulter on Lou Dobbs - Audio
Click HERE for Part Two!
Coulter continued, youtube comments • Former home of The Jimmy Z Show pretends to be tolerant • Obama team sold exclusive rights to public inaugural events • Watching Harry Reid website • Freedom isn't desired by many in the Home of the Brave • Pelosi's naked grab for power • Close
• Ann Coulter on Lou Dobbs HERE
• Monumental expectations of Obama's speech HERE
• Ramos and Compean pardoned HERE
• Former home of The Jimmy Z Show invites Obama HERE
• Obama Inaugural team sells exclusive TV rights to public events HERE
• Watching Harry Reid site HERE
• Freedom is not for everyone HERE
• Center for Individual Freedom's Pelosi story HERE
Much more tomorrow - do not miss a single episode of The Jimmy Z Show!

Sunday, January 18, 2009
• Very funny send-up of the Obama Plate commercial
I really like this one; note the family toasting the new President.
Whoever Steve is, he's a funny guy. -- JZ
Whoever Steve is, he's a funny guy. -- JZ
• The Jimmy Z Weekend Show - in STEREO
This highly listenable show moves fast and is variety-packed!
Friends, there are some points on this edition of The Jimmy Z Show that ought not be missed. I have highlighted those points in the show - Listen any of three ways: Click the links here and listen 'ON DEMAND' right here on your computer; Save the files to your mp3 player or iPod; or burn the files to a CD and play them in the car on your way to work!
Each segment of the show is approximately 30 minutes in length.
Don't forget to follow Jimmy Z on Twitter!
Click HERE for Part One
Opening (with "A Guy Named Obama") • Rant: The upcoming Obama Inauguration • Redefining Conservatism • Voting for color instead of principle • Cat interrupts the rant • Regarding people who say "we never thought we'd see the day" • Supposed-republicans playing the race card • On uniting the Republican party • Bill Cosby talks about voting for Obama
Click HERE for Part Two
"Days of B. Hussein" song parody • Drive to work with Jimmy Z! Learn how • Church bulletin comedic typos • Obama weekly address sound clip • Obama on 'the resilience of our democracy' • List: Why I voted democrat
Click HERE for Part Three
Jimmy Z Song Clips bit • Angels explained by children • Air Force fly-by upsets someone at the mall, letter to the editor and AF Colonel response • Our National Anthem by the Cactus Cuties • Bill Keller writes, "Press on!" - a great piece of inspiration
Don't forget to contact me and either add your email address to show updates list, or follow me on Twitter. Thanks for listening! Please feel free to pass this show's site to your friends and family you believe will enjoy The Jimmy Z Show!
• Here is the short clip of Bill Cosby I played during the show:
• Click HERE for the piece detailing the Fly-By story I read.
TOMORROW, I will read the original complaining letter writer's response. You will not want to miss it.
ADDENDUM: Please be sure to read the No Compromise When It Comes To Being Right! blog entry regarding the banning of shows at BlogTalkRadio, and also note the growing list of shows here in the upper right margin that BlogTalkRadio is afraid of! More to come, stay tuned!
This highly listenable show moves fast and is variety-packed!
Friends, there are some points on this edition of The Jimmy Z Show that ought not be missed. I have highlighted those points in the show - Listen any of three ways: Click the links here and listen 'ON DEMAND' right here on your computer; Save the files to your mp3 player or iPod; or burn the files to a CD and play them in the car on your way to work!
Each segment of the show is approximately 30 minutes in length.
Don't forget to follow Jimmy Z on Twitter!

Opening (with "A Guy Named Obama") • Rant: The upcoming Obama Inauguration • Redefining Conservatism • Voting for color instead of principle • Cat interrupts the rant • Regarding people who say "we never thought we'd see the day" • Supposed-republicans playing the race card • On uniting the Republican party • Bill Cosby talks about voting for Obama
Click HERE for Part Two
"Days of B. Hussein" song parody • Drive to work with Jimmy Z! Learn how • Church bulletin comedic typos • Obama weekly address sound clip • Obama on 'the resilience of our democracy' • List: Why I voted democrat
Click HERE for Part Three
Jimmy Z Song Clips bit • Angels explained by children • Air Force fly-by upsets someone at the mall, letter to the editor and AF Colonel response • Our National Anthem by the Cactus Cuties • Bill Keller writes, "Press on!" - a great piece of inspiration
Don't forget to contact me and either add your email address to show updates list, or follow me on Twitter. Thanks for listening! Please feel free to pass this show's site to your friends and family you believe will enjoy The Jimmy Z Show!
• Here is the short clip of Bill Cosby I played during the show:
• Click HERE for the piece detailing the Fly-By story I read.
TOMORROW, I will read the original complaining letter writer's response. You will not want to miss it.
ADDENDUM: Please be sure to read the No Compromise When It Comes To Being Right! blog entry regarding the banning of shows at BlogTalkRadio, and also note the growing list of shows here in the upper right margin that BlogTalkRadio is afraid of! More to come, stay tuned!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
And if something you want is not here, please feel free to ask.
Twittter @thejimmyzshow
714-905-9591 (messages)
. . . .
• 'It's A Fine Time To Leave Us Barack', parody of Kenny Roger's 'You Picked A Fine Time To Leave Me Lucille'
• 'I Am Jimmy Z', original music by Jimmy Z
• 'They Took The Money Away', original music by Jimmy Z
• 'The Days of B. Hussein', parody of traditional 'Auld Lang Sine'
• 'Mmm Mmm Mmm (Barack Hussein Obama)', original music by Jimmy Z
• The Stupid Girl Contest bit
• Calling the office of Bob Etheridge
• The Revolution is Not Violent monologue
• God Will Fight This Battle For Us monologue

And if something you want is not here, please feel free to ask.
Twittter @thejimmyzshow
714-905-9591 (messages)
With his first computer, Jimmy Z began chatting online about politics nearly two decades ago. Disappointment followed when he found that liberals were rarely able to engage in civil discussion of the issues in America. But through the Clinton years and the Bush II years, Jimmy Z kept writing at various venues online.
Jimmy Z began working with John Benko in 2004 on a political commentary website, A Newt One. The elaborate and well organized site reached a level of Google Page Rank 6 - quite an achievement for two guys writing about politics. A Newt One also debuted an internet radio show, hosted on a radio site. That show, AmericanTruth Warriors, caused a great deal of trouble among conservatives when Mr. Benko predicted that only Sarah Palin (who?) could give John McCain a fighting chance in the 2008 general election.
A Newt One peaked as Barack Obama was elected President and Mr. Benko decided to leave political commetary. ‘The Jimmy Z Show’ debuted in January of 2009. Since then, ‘The Jimmy Z Show’ has posted 600 hours of programming and has gained many listeners through promotion online at Facebook and other such venues.
From the show page at, listeners can check out Jimmy Z's videos at YouTube, his Twitter account or join his email subscriber's list. Every show ever produced is archived on the website, and Mr. Z keeps an incredible library of supporting documentation in the form of internet links to the stories and the audio used in each show.
Jimmy Z is a Christian Conservative who believes that the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the only documents America needs. He is devoted to electing the right people who also believe that our Constitution protects us from tyranny. He believes our government should once again be made small and kept from intruding on the lives of the American people.
Jimmy Z is available for personal appearances and radio interviews, as well as radio hosting - locally or nationally. He can be reached via email at, or by calling 714-317-6878, or feel free to leave a message at 714-905-9591.
Jimmy Z began working with John Benko in 2004 on a political commentary website, A Newt One. The elaborate and well organized site reached a level of Google Page Rank 6 - quite an achievement for two guys writing about politics. A Newt One also debuted an internet radio show, hosted on a radio site. That show, AmericanTruth Warriors, caused a great deal of trouble among conservatives when Mr. Benko predicted that only Sarah Palin (who?) could give John McCain a fighting chance in the 2008 general election.
A Newt One peaked as Barack Obama was elected President and Mr. Benko decided to leave political commetary. ‘The Jimmy Z Show’ debuted in January of 2009. Since then, ‘The Jimmy Z Show’ has posted 600 hours of programming and has gained many listeners through promotion online at Facebook and other such venues.
From the show page at, listeners can check out Jimmy Z's videos at YouTube, his Twitter account or join his email subscriber's list. Every show ever produced is archived on the website, and Mr. Z keeps an incredible library of supporting documentation in the form of internet links to the stories and the audio used in each show.
Jimmy Z is a Christian Conservative who believes that the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the only documents America needs. He is devoted to electing the right people who also believe that our Constitution protects us from tyranny. He believes our government should once again be made small and kept from intruding on the lives of the American people.
Jimmy Z is available for personal appearances and radio interviews, as well as radio hosting - locally or nationally. He can be reached via email at, or by calling 714-317-6878, or feel free to leave a message at 714-905-9591.
• 'It's A Fine Time To Leave Us Barack', parody of Kenny Roger's 'You Picked A Fine Time To Leave Me Lucille'
• 'I Am Jimmy Z', original music by Jimmy Z
• 'They Took The Money Away', original music by Jimmy Z
• 'The Days of B. Hussein', parody of traditional 'Auld Lang Sine'
• 'Mmm Mmm Mmm (Barack Hussein Obama)', original music by Jimmy Z
• The Stupid Girl Contest bit
• Calling the office of Bob Etheridge
• The Revolution is Not Violent monologue
• God Will Fight This Battle For Us monologue

I've been listening to your show since the beginning (Even before that
I've been a fan of yours since RRR). You have a gift of taking some pretty
serious topics and explaining them with a good mix of humor and personal
insight. Your moral compass points to what is right and I am grateful to
have you as a guide during these decidedly treacherous times! God Bless
You Jimmy Z! Joe M. - South Carolina
The only show I listen to is Jimmy Z. It's the only place I can get an in
depth view of politics in America with a little humor, music and a bit of faith.
Dave from New Jersey
JimmyZ never fails to provide in-depth and timely commentary from the
conservative perspective. I highly recommend JimmyZ’s show to all
conservatives. Paul, Oklahoma
JimmyZ's job one is the promotion of truth. That's refreshing in a world
of self-promoters who confuse tickling our feel good button with the
challenge of higher level thinking.
Carl Mumpower, The Candid Conservative
I have had the good fortune to be a guest on Jimmy Z's show many times.
As a talk show host, he has it all: voice, tone, manner, timing, empathy,
knowledge, insight,integrity and perspective on all the important issues
of the day. He makes you think about what's important in our screwed up
world. Listen to Jimmy Z and learn! Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr.,MD, author of
'The Liberal Mind; The Psychological Causes of Political Madness'
JimmyZ represets a refreshing break from the cookie cutte chatter
that clogs the airwaves these days. He always has a fun and fresh take
on the days hot topics -often breaking the news BEFORE the LA Times!
I never miss an episode and enjoy his humor and straight talk
approach. from deep in Westwood, CA
I think your show is the best! You talk about REAL issues going on today,
without worrying about 'hurting anyone's feelings'! We ALL know the truth
hurts, but as they say, 'No pain, no gain'.
Karen, North Carolina
Jimmy Z brings his unique style to the Net Talk World lineup weekday's 5-6
PM ET. Tune in to hear some of the best talk radio anywhere"...
God Bless America! Matt, Florida
The Jimmy Z Show is a unique on line oasis for people in their right mind.
Unvarnished, the straight stuff! Bruce, CA
The Jimmy Z Show is always packed with the lastest NEWs.
Hank in CA
I look forward to the Jimmy Z show daily. I find he has a soft delivery that
is Glenn Beck Like with a cutting, well spoken and fact driven show that
emulates that of Rush. He provides humorous antecdotes that keep me
laughing, then jumps into a sincere portrayal of American conservatism
regarding current events. He is a down to Earth guy that is passionate
about his politics and dedicates his existence to spreading the Gospel
of America and Christ! Keith, Washinton
"It was Jimmy Z who exposed what really happened at the 2010 Cincinnati
Tea Party with FOX News . . . not the mainstream media, not even FOX. If you
want the truth without the spin, it's the Jimmy Z Show you need to download
from the Web . . . the right news from the left coast."
Webmaster, Western North Carolina
With my busy schedule, I've always found it impossible to listen to some
of my favorite talk shows on a regular basis. But with the Jimmy Z Show,
that's not a problem. His show is ready when you are, and I never miss a
minute. He's got just the right balance of up to date politics, humor and
music. If you haven't listened to him yet, you're missing out on one of the
most informative shows on the air. Jim, Illinois
I've been listening to your show since the beginning (Even before that
I've been a fan of yours since RRR). You have a gift of taking some pretty
serious topics and explaining them with a good mix of humor and personal
insight. Your moral compass points to what is right and I am grateful to
have you as a guide during these decidedly treacherous times! God Bless
You Jimmy Z! Joe M. - South Carolina
The only show I listen to is Jimmy Z. It's the only place I can get an in
depth view of politics in America with a little humor, music and a bit of faith.
Dave from New Jersey
JimmyZ never fails to provide in-depth and timely commentary from the
conservative perspective. I highly recommend JimmyZ’s show to all
conservatives. Paul, Oklahoma
JimmyZ's job one is the promotion of truth. That's refreshing in a world
of self-promoters who confuse tickling our feel good button with the
challenge of higher level thinking.
Carl Mumpower, The Candid Conservative
I have had the good fortune to be a guest on Jimmy Z's show many times.
As a talk show host, he has it all: voice, tone, manner, timing, empathy,
knowledge, insight,integrity and perspective on all the important issues
of the day. He makes you think about what's important in our screwed up
world. Listen to Jimmy Z and learn! Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr.,MD, author of
'The Liberal Mind; The Psychological Causes of Political Madness'
JimmyZ represets a refreshing break from the cookie cutte chatter
that clogs the airwaves these days. He always has a fun and fresh take
on the days hot topics -often breaking the news BEFORE the LA Times!
I never miss an episode and enjoy his humor and straight talk
approach. from deep in Westwood, CA
I think your show is the best! You talk about REAL issues going on today,
without worrying about 'hurting anyone's feelings'! We ALL know the truth
hurts, but as they say, 'No pain, no gain'.
Karen, North Carolina
Jimmy Z brings his unique style to the Net Talk World lineup weekday's 5-6
PM ET. Tune in to hear some of the best talk radio anywhere"...
God Bless America! Matt, Florida
The Jimmy Z Show is a unique on line oasis for people in their right mind.
Unvarnished, the straight stuff! Bruce, CA
The Jimmy Z Show is always packed with the lastest NEWs.
Hank in CA
I look forward to the Jimmy Z show daily. I find he has a soft delivery that
is Glenn Beck Like with a cutting, well spoken and fact driven show that
emulates that of Rush. He provides humorous antecdotes that keep me
laughing, then jumps into a sincere portrayal of American conservatism
regarding current events. He is a down to Earth guy that is passionate
about his politics and dedicates his existence to spreading the Gospel
of America and Christ! Keith, Washinton
"It was Jimmy Z who exposed what really happened at the 2010 Cincinnati
Tea Party with FOX News . . . not the mainstream media, not even FOX. If you
want the truth without the spin, it's the Jimmy Z Show you need to download
from the Web . . . the right news from the left coast."
Webmaster, Western North Carolina
With my busy schedule, I've always found it impossible to listen to some
of my favorite talk shows on a regular basis. But with the Jimmy Z Show,
that's not a problem. His show is ready when you are, and I never miss a
minute. He's got just the right balance of up to date politics, humor and
music. If you haven't listened to him yet, you're missing out on one of the
most informative shows on the air. Jim, Illinois
Friday, January 16, 2009
• Audio and transcript: The show that got us disabled at BTR
No one has been given any specific reason for the ouster
Listen for yourselves, friends. Perhaps you can find something we cannot, but so far, there has been no specific reason given by BlogTalkRadio for removing three of it's most successful, most professionally produced shows: Debra J.M. Smith, Buffman & Wrench, and The Jimmy Z Show.
Shows that are far less pro, yet far more profane and do personal-attack shows all the time are still embraced by management at BlogTalkRadio.
Click HERE to listen to the recording and read the transcript.
If BlogTalkRadio does not reinstate these programs, all of the details and the names of those involved will be discussed openly in venues yet to be revealed. Stay tuned.
You are encouraged to write BlogTalkRadio staff and speak out. At the moment, BlogTalkRadio appears to be removing voices that they disagree with.
BlogTalkRadio claims, "Now it's your turn to share your voice with the world" ... er, unless the staff at BTR disagrees with your position, or is intimidated by you putting on a top notch show that illustrates how unprofessional and lackluster THEIR shows are.
Remember, BTR staff have their own shows. They are in competition with you. If you begin to get ratings that compete with their programs, watch out.
More to come. --JZ
No one has been given any specific reason for the ouster

Shows that are far less pro, yet far more profane and do personal-attack shows all the time are still embraced by management at BlogTalkRadio.
Click HERE to listen to the recording and read the transcript.
If BlogTalkRadio does not reinstate these programs, all of the details and the names of those involved will be discussed openly in venues yet to be revealed. Stay tuned.
You are encouraged to write BlogTalkRadio staff and speak out. At the moment, BlogTalkRadio appears to be removing voices that they disagree with.
BlogTalkRadio claims, "Now it's your turn to share your voice with the world" ... er, unless the staff at BTR disagrees with your position, or is intimidated by you putting on a top notch show that illustrates how unprofessional and lackluster THEIR shows are.
Remember, BTR staff have their own shows. They are in competition with you. If you begin to get ratings that compete with their programs, watch out.
More to come. --JZ

Thursday, January 15, 2009
• The Jimmy Z Thursday Show - in STEREO
60 minutes of rapid fire topics and comments
Every show is a best of show!
Each segment is approximately 30 minutes.
Don't forget to follow Jimmy Z on Twitter! Click HERE.
Click HERE for Part One:
Mexican immigrant arrested for selling his 14 year old daughter for beer & meat • 4 year old boy killed by gang gun fire in LA • Michael Yon suing Michael Moore • Attempt to repeal Presidential term limit • Paul Jacob on Barney Frank
Click HERE for Part Two:
Obama's appointee for Intelligence adviser involved in breach • Obama's appointee for Treasury Secretary didn't pay his taxes • Obama on closing Guantanamo • Paul Jacob on Obama's economic magic wand • Mayor Villaraigosa kissing up to the Jewish vote • Bomber on flight from Atlanta to LAX taken down by passengers
• 4 year old boy killed by gang gun fire in LA - HERE
• Michael Yon suing Michael Moore - HERE
• Attempt to repeal Presidential term limit - HERE
• Paul Jacob on Barney Frank - HERE
• Mexican arrested for selling his daughter:
• Obama's appointee for Intelligence adviser involved in breach - HERE
• Obama's appointee for Treasury Secretary didn't pay his taxes - HERE
• Paul Jacob on Obama's economic magic wand - HERE
• Mayor Villaraigosa kissing up to the Jewish vote - HERE
• Bomber on flight from Atlanta to LAX taken down by passengers - HERE & HERE
• Obama on closing Guantanamo:
Every show is a best of show!

Don't forget to follow Jimmy Z on Twitter! Click HERE.
Click HERE for Part One:
Mexican immigrant arrested for selling his 14 year old daughter for beer & meat • 4 year old boy killed by gang gun fire in LA • Michael Yon suing Michael Moore • Attempt to repeal Presidential term limit • Paul Jacob on Barney Frank
Click HERE for Part Two:
Obama's appointee for Intelligence adviser involved in breach • Obama's appointee for Treasury Secretary didn't pay his taxes • Obama on closing Guantanamo • Paul Jacob on Obama's economic magic wand • Mayor Villaraigosa kissing up to the Jewish vote • Bomber on flight from Atlanta to LAX taken down by passengers
• 4 year old boy killed by gang gun fire in LA - HERE
• Michael Yon suing Michael Moore - HERE
• Attempt to repeal Presidential term limit - HERE
• Paul Jacob on Barney Frank - HERE
• Mexican arrested for selling his daughter:
• Obama's appointee for Intelligence adviser involved in breach - HERE
• Obama's appointee for Treasury Secretary didn't pay his taxes - HERE
• Paul Jacob on Obama's economic magic wand - HERE
• Mayor Villaraigosa kissing up to the Jewish vote - HERE
• Bomber on flight from Atlanta to LAX taken down by passengers - HERE & HERE
• Obama on closing Guantanamo:
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
• The Jimmy Z Wednesday Show - in STEREO
The Jimmy Z Show carries on!

Hi folks! Thanks for coming over and either (a) listening to the show directly or (b) saving the show on your media player and listening to the podcast at your convenience.
In order to keep the podcasts in stereo, and yet not overburden your computer in downloading, the show is divided into three parts - each about 30 minutes in length. So today we have a 90 minute show for ya'll!
You'll recognize lots of bits and you'll also be listening to crystal clarity that cannot be obtained at TalkShoe - or BTR for that matter (although BTR does have better sound and nicer technology).
Click HERE for Part One:
Opening • Overview/latest general internet radio hokum • Troops handles update/It is NOT all about the troops now • TalkShoe or BTR • Contacting Jimmy Z • Rant: Vulgarity and profanity on Internet Radio
Click HERE for Part Two:
Audio clip: Supposed 'Republicans & conservatives' webcasting profanity, vulgarity • The Obama Victory Toilet bit • Groucho Marx (no prude himself) on the roll of vulgarity in comedy, theatre and film
Click HERE for Part Three:
The Juval Aviv terrorism email • The politics of Chicago (via email) • Humor: "Kids have it easy today" from a 30 year old • "I Won't Back Down" • How long can Obama blame Bush for the economy? • Google's evil carbon footprint • Close
Show notes:
• Google's evil carbon footprint - HERE
• How long can Obama blame Bush for the economy? - HERE
• Snopes page re: Juval Aviv terrorism email - HERE
• Here's the Groucho Marx appearance on Dick Cavett's program:
A portion of the ruminations of a 30+ year old on how easy kids have it today:
Be sure to pass along the Jimmy Z Show webpage to your friends on BTR and elsewhere!
Best regards,

The Jimmy Z Show carries on!

Hi folks! Thanks for coming over and either (a) listening to the show directly or (b) saving the show on your media player and listening to the podcast at your convenience.
In order to keep the podcasts in stereo, and yet not overburden your computer in downloading, the show is divided into three parts - each about 30 minutes in length. So today we have a 90 minute show for ya'll!
You'll recognize lots of bits and you'll also be listening to crystal clarity that cannot be obtained at TalkShoe - or BTR for that matter (although BTR does have better sound and nicer technology).
Click HERE for Part One:
Opening • Overview/latest general internet radio hokum • Troops handles update/It is NOT all about the troops now • TalkShoe or BTR • Contacting Jimmy Z • Rant: Vulgarity and profanity on Internet Radio
Click HERE for Part Two:
Audio clip: Supposed 'Republicans & conservatives' webcasting profanity, vulgarity • The Obama Victory Toilet bit • Groucho Marx (no prude himself) on the roll of vulgarity in comedy, theatre and film
Click HERE for Part Three:
The Juval Aviv terrorism email • The politics of Chicago (via email) • Humor: "Kids have it easy today" from a 30 year old • "I Won't Back Down" • How long can Obama blame Bush for the economy? • Google's evil carbon footprint • Close
Show notes:
• Google's evil carbon footprint - HERE
• How long can Obama blame Bush for the economy? - HERE
• Snopes page re: Juval Aviv terrorism email - HERE
• Here's the Groucho Marx appearance on Dick Cavett's program:
A portion of the ruminations of a 30+ year old on how easy kids have it today:
When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were when they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning ... Uphill; BOTH ways ... yadda, yadda, yadda
And I remember promising myself that when I grew up, there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on kids about how hard I had itand how easy they 've got it! But now that I'm over the ripe old age of thirty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today.
You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a damn utopia! And I hate to say it but you kids today you don't know how good you've got it!
I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have The Internet. If we wanted to know something, we had to go to the damn library and Look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!! There was no email!! We had to actually write somebody a letter ... with a pen! Then you had to walk all the way across the street and put it in the mailbox and it would take like a week to get there!
There were no MP3's or Napsters! if You wanted to steal music, you had to hitchhike to the damn record store and shoplift it yourself! Or you had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio and the DJ usually talked over the beginning and @#*% it all up!
We didn't have fancy crap like call waiting! If you were on the phone and somebody else called they got a busy signal, that's it! [Continued in its entirety on The Jimmy Z Show]
And I remember promising myself that when I grew up, there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on kids about how hard I had itand how easy they 've got it! But now that I'm over the ripe old age of thirty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today.
You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a damn utopia! And I hate to say it but you kids today you don't know how good you've got it!
I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have The Internet. If we wanted to know something, we had to go to the damn library and Look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!! There was no email!! We had to actually write somebody a letter ... with a pen! Then you had to walk all the way across the street and put it in the mailbox and it would take like a week to get there!
There were no MP3's or Napsters! if You wanted to steal music, you had to hitchhike to the damn record store and shoplift it yourself! Or you had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio and the DJ usually talked over the beginning and @#*% it all up!
We didn't have fancy crap like call waiting! If you were on the phone and somebody else called they got a busy signal, that's it! [Continued in its entirety on The Jimmy Z Show]
Be sure to pass along the Jimmy Z Show webpage to your friends on BTR and elsewhere!
Best regards,

Monday, January 12, 2009
• The Jimmy Z Monday Show Test Show

• The Jimmy Z Monday Show archive - HERE
See what you think - Anything can happen but the Jimmy Z Show continues!

• The Jimmy Z Monday Show archive - HERE
See what you think - Anything can happen but the Jimmy Z Show continues!
• The Jimmy Z Sunday Show - In STEREO
The Jimmy Z Show lives!
• Sunday's show includes a limited explanation of what goes on behind the scenes with the BlogTalkRadio disabling of three of it's most professionally produced and successful programs - The Buffman & Wrench Show, The Debra J.M. Smith show and of course, my show, The Jimmy Z Show. Including specifics on the kind of people who are cancers within the conservative movement as exemplified by the girl in Stoke Newington.
• Also, a youtube video by another incoherent Obama supporter - great comedy!
Here's the video we listened to from that incoherent Obama supporter:
Click HERE to listen to the Jimmy Z Show in Stereo!
Send me your email address to be updated on the latest information regarding The Jimmy Z Show and my friends Matt Buff and Debra J.M. Smith!
PS to my listeners: Thanks for the big response today! Your thoughts have been encouraging and that you are listening is very cool indeed. Perhaps this studio I built here is all I need! And GV, thanks for what you said about my music. It's nothing fancy, but I enjoy the creative process. Best to all, talk to you again soon!
The Jimmy Z Show lives!
• Sunday's show includes a limited explanation of what goes on behind the scenes with the BlogTalkRadio disabling of three of it's most professionally produced and successful programs - The Buffman & Wrench Show, The Debra J.M. Smith show and of course, my show, The Jimmy Z Show. Including specifics on the kind of people who are cancers within the conservative movement as exemplified by the girl in Stoke Newington.
• Also, a youtube video by another incoherent Obama supporter - great comedy!
Here's the video we listened to from that incoherent Obama supporter:
Click HERE to listen to the Jimmy Z Show in Stereo!
Send me your email address to be updated on the latest information regarding The Jimmy Z Show and my friends Matt Buff and Debra J.M. Smith!
PS to my listeners: Thanks for the big response today! Your thoughts have been encouraging and that you are listening is very cool indeed. Perhaps this studio I built here is all I need! And GV, thanks for what you said about my music. It's nothing fancy, but I enjoy the creative process. Best to all, talk to you again soon!

• The Jimmy Z Saturday Show
Saturday's show in it's entirety!
Click HERE to listen to the show that aired at BlogTalkRadio at the very hour that Buffman & Wrench, Debra J.M. Smith and yours truly were unceremoniously disabled by the site.
• Includes the Mark Levin audio explaining why we cannot "wait and see" what Barack Obama will do, and a new song covered by Jimmy Z - "Gone", originally on Madonna's "Music" album.
Thanks for listening!
Click HERE to listen to the show that aired at BlogTalkRadio at the very hour that Buffman & Wrench, Debra J.M. Smith and yours truly were unceremoniously disabled by the site.
• Includes the Mark Levin audio explaining why we cannot "wait and see" what Barack Obama will do, and a new song covered by Jimmy Z - "Gone", originally on Madonna's "Music" album.
Thanks for listening!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
• BlogTalkRadio cancels three enormously successful programs
We suspect it is likely for personal reasons and not professional ones that BlogTalkRadio has suspended the accounts of three of it's most successful programs: The Buffman & Wrench Show, The Debra J.M. Smith Show and The Jimmy Z Show.
The story is quite fluid at this time, and we will have more to report to you very soon.
You should also know that your stalwart host has received a comment here at the Jimmy Z Show notes from a bold, brave and courageous person hiding behind the name 'anonymous,' saying: You show is history.
No ma'am (assuming it was female because if it was male, it sure sounded like the tactic of a cowardly female), the Jimmy Z Show is not history. In fact, the Jimmy Z Show is stronger than ever.
Anonymous coward, you are no conservative seeking to silence (a) those who outed you for perpetuating a lie regarding the faked troops listening to BlogTalkRadio and (b) those who have views, genuinely conservatives views, that are in opposition to your own.
This is just the beginning - not the end. You better run for cover.
Best to all,
Jimmy Z
BTW: Keep a close eye on this page, as I will be loading a new Jimmy Z Show within 24 hours! Keep the faith, never back down.

The story is quite fluid at this time, and we will have more to report to you very soon.
You should also know that your stalwart host has received a comment here at the Jimmy Z Show notes from a bold, brave and courageous person hiding behind the name 'anonymous,' saying: You show is history.
No ma'am (assuming it was female because if it was male, it sure sounded like the tactic of a cowardly female), the Jimmy Z Show is not history. In fact, the Jimmy Z Show is stronger than ever.
Anonymous coward, you are no conservative seeking to silence (a) those who outed you for perpetuating a lie regarding the faked troops listening to BlogTalkRadio and (b) those who have views, genuinely conservatives views, that are in opposition to your own.
This is just the beginning - not the end. You better run for cover.
Best to all,
Jimmy Z
BTW: Keep a close eye on this page, as I will be loading a new Jimmy Z Show within 24 hours! Keep the faith, never back down.

Friday, January 9, 2009
• The Jimmy Z Friday Show Notes
Today I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing "The Teen Conservative"
Home base for TTC is his blog - HERE
His BlogTalkRadio show is - HERE
The Teen Conservative is sharp, thoughtful and reasoned. You will find his shows stimulating and thought-provoking - something not everyone can pull off on internet radio.
During the show, among other things, we touched on the following:
• Nancy Pelosi can't wait to tax the @$*#&! out of Americans - HERE
• CNN broadcasts a staged hospital scene - HERE
• This is the video of the clip that CNN has
removed entirely from it's servers without comment:
You can listen to the entire archived show - HERE
Don't miss tomorrow's pre-taped 30 minute program!
His BlogTalkRadio show is - HERE
The Teen Conservative is sharp, thoughtful and reasoned. You will find his shows stimulating and thought-provoking - something not everyone can pull off on internet radio.
During the show, among other things, we touched on the following:
• Nancy Pelosi can't wait to tax the @$*#&! out of Americans - HERE
• CNN broadcasts a staged hospital scene - HERE
• This is the video of the clip that CNN has
removed entirely from it's servers without comment:
You can listen to the entire archived show - HERE
Don't miss tomorrow's pre-taped 30 minute program!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
• The Jimmy Z Thursday Show Notes

Thanks for all who participated both by calling in and in the chat room.
Now, how to get more of you to call in? I'm ruminating on some promotional gimmicks and/or prizes. We'll see what I come up with.
Now, to the relevant links - here's what we talked about today:
• Movin' Forward called in and talked about this story, the $700 million embassy in Iraq - HERE
• Newsmax report (containing a link to the video interview) on Pelosi's rules change and power grab - HERE
• John Ziegler's "How Obama Got Elected" website & interview with Sarah Palin, and updates on his forthcoming documentary on media malpractice - HERE
Here is the video clip from which I took the audio:
• Senator Tom Coburn's round up of the worst wasteful spending of 2008 - HERE
• Senator Coburn's complete report in pdf form - HERE
• And lastly, here's the post I wrote at youtube in response to the argument that Caroline Kennedy is fit to be Senator with zero experience, but Sarah Palin was unfit to be Vice President:
"You know, Palin is, you know, um, you know, not as, you know, smart as, you know, Caroline, you know, Kennedy, and you know, Caroline, you know, is fit to be, you know, Senator, you know, with zero, you know, experience, you know, and you know, Palin was, you know, unfit for, you know, office, you know, but Caroline, you know, is, you know, a great, you know, asset, you know, and Palin, you know, is a, you know, embarrassment, you know and you know, you know, I, um, you know... you know?"
You can listen to the archive of Thursday's show by clicking HERE.
See you all tomorrow at 7pm EST, 4pm left coast! --JZ

• Bill Keller
This is very good reading... details on the day in the life of a media-evangelist. I really respect this man. Enjoy!
A day in the life of Liveprayer founder Bill Keller
One of the emails I get almost every day are from people curious to know about my daily schedule. I have alluded to it at times over the years, but never really dedicated an entire Devotional to it. However, since so many people are curious and have asked, I thought it would be good to share my typical day with you. It may give some people ideas how to better structure their day to try and find that balance between our daily relationship with the Lord, our family, and work that we all try to achieve. On a selfish note, it will also give those many friends who pray for me each day detailed information so they can be praying more specifically.
Monday thru Friday my life is lived almost exclusively in what I refer to as "God's triangle." God's triangle consists of my home, my office which is about 15 minutes away, and our TV studio which is about 5 minutes from my house and 15 minutes from my office. I am up each day at 5am and spend that first hour in prayer and the Word. That hour is the most critical and special hour of my day. I could not even imagine one day without spending that time alone with the Lord in prayer, reading His Word, and just fellowshipping. It is during this hour that the Lord feeds me, inspires and encourage me, so that I can feed, inspire, and encourage others.
From 6am-7am, I work on the outline of the next day's Daily Devotional. After that, I take a shower, get dressed, and head into the office. I arrive at my office around 7:30am. Each day as I unlock the front door, I pray a prayer that I began praying during the first weeks of Liveprayer almost 10 years ago, when I didn't know if we would be able to make it. I simply ask God to bless the day, to use me for His glory, to help me to stay focused on those things I need to do and can do that day, and commit into His hands those many things out of my control. It is an act of surrender, realizing that there are so many things each day that God is going to have to handle. My goal each day is to focus on those things I am supposed to be doing and leave the rest to Him.
From 7:30am until around 3pm each day I am in my office, seeing to all of the things it takes to operate the Liveprayer ministry each day. During those hours each day I finish the next day's Daily Devotional, answer apx 200 emails at random from the 40,000 we receive each day, answer apx 100 personal emails each day that I have to respond to, prepare for the topic of that night's TV/radio program, go through the daily mail, work with our bookkeeper and CPA firm on all of the daily accounting issues, deal with our attorneys on any legal issues we may be facing, speak anywhere from 2-3x up to 30x a day with my head tech depending on whatever technical issues there may be that day, work with my PR firm and do any press interviews, create, implement, and oversee all of the special projects, and personally handle the fundraising activities to insure we raise the $40,000 we need to each month to operate.
It is an interesting blend of ministering to the needs of the people we reach each day and who reach out to us, implementing the vision God gives me each day for the ministry, and overseeing all of the business and financial aspects of Liveprayer. It is a combination of being a prophet, pastor, teacher, entrepreneur, TV/radio host, and CEO. God has brought to fruition a decade of being in the business world, nearly 2 decades of ministry, and all of the lessons and skills I have learned over these past 30 years to serve Him in this unique and creative way.
Most days from 3-4pm I am either visiting someone in the hospital or counseling those who are dealing with any number of issues in their lives. By 4:15pm each Monday thru Friday I am in the gym for my daily 45 minute workout that consists of 20 minutes of cardio and 25 minutes of weights. I head home, shower, take a 30 minute nap, and am up at 6pm. From 6pm-8pm, it is time to spend some quality time with my wife either at home, or out doing the day-to-day things everyone has to deal with. I could never have done what I have done all these years without her also making the commitment to the Lord to sacrifice her life for His work as well. It is a relaxing 2 hours away from the work and all that is associated with the ministry, and quality time to focus on my wife and our relationship.
It is back to work from 8-10pm each night to catch up on emails and deal with any problems that there may be. At 10pm it is time to shower and get dressed for the TV/radio program. I usually arrive at the studio around 10:30pm, 30 minutes before we go on the air. On Tuesday I have to be at the studio at 9pm to record that weeks 7 Video Daily Devotionals for cell phones, and on Wednesday I am also at the studio by 9pm to record that weeks sermon for the Liveprayer Church. The TV/radio program is live from 11pm-Midnight. After the program I head home, handle any emails I need to take care of as well as any problems, and am in bed by 1am. Trust me when I tell you that I am usually fast asleep within moments of my head hitting the pillow and have been blessed to sleep very deep and sound until my alarm goes off at 5am.
On Saturday and Sunday, the only change in my schedule is that I am out of the office by Noon. Other than an occasional hospital visit, wedding, or funeral, with no TV/radio program on the weekends I am pretty much free between Noon and Midnight other than checking email a couple of times and making sure all of the daily operations are going ok. As you can see, Liveprayer is literally a 24/7 operation. This coming August 31, I will have been keeping my finger on the pulse of God's work, overseeing all of the operations of the ministry literally every single day for 10 years.
Another question I get all the time is what do I eat. For the past 4 years now, I have been eating a pretty consistent diet of tuna fish and tomatoes around 8am. Around 11 am I eat a small chicken breast and some rice. At 2pm I eat some steak and vegetables. During the day I'll snack on some fresh fruit. In the evening I have a regular meal, usually Korean food that my wife prepares. Other than on Saturday night, I rarely go out and eat in restaurants. I am not too crazy on sweets, though I do enjoy exotic deserts when we out in a nice restaurant. At home, when I break down about once a month, my favorite is to take 3-4 scoops of Haggan Daaz vanilla, put about 2 spoons of chunky peanut butter on the top, throw in some Macadamia nuts, and mix it all up.
It is a crazy and hectic pace that I would not recommend to anyone. I have been able to keep up this unique schedule for nearly 10 years because the Lord has blessed me with wonderful health, though I do my best to stay in shape by getting semi-annual check-ups, being in the gym 5 days a week, and eating a healthy diet. Most people should get at least 6 hours of sleep every night instead of 4, and if you have children you need to spend more time at home with them. The daily stress of ministering to several million people each day along with all of the ministry responsibilities, plus overseeing the daily operations of Liveprayer is incredible. However, having that strength only God can provide, knowing ultimately He is in charge, allows me to manage the stress and enjoy His peace and joy even in the most difficult times.
I love you and care about you so much. You will never know how much I appreciate your love and support and the fact so many care and worry about me each day. It is your love and prayers that sustain me each day. When I left prison nearly 2 decades ago, I had a group of 13 elderly grandmothers in Pensacola praying for me daily. There are only 3 of those dear saints still alive. Those dear women, so many countless friends over the years, and now the tens of thousands in the Liveprayer family who faithfully undergird me each day with prayer, encourage and strengthen me like you will never understand. Your prayers are my "secret weapon" that enables me to step onto the front lines each day without fear, knowing the saints of God are with me, interceding on my behalf.
Let me ask you to please continue to pray for me. Now more than ever I need your prayers as I have made this fresh commitment of my life to the Lord, taken a step of faith far greater than any before as I lead the Jonah Project. Calling this nation and the other nations of the world to repentance or face the judgment of God, while trying to lead the lost to faith in Jesus Christ, along with amassing millions of true followers of Jesus Christ to take decisive action on the social issues of the day, is a huge and massive undertaking. With God's help and your prayers, we will see His mighty hand move, nations repent just like Nineveh, and millions of lost souls find everlasting life through faith in Jesus Christ. My schedule won't be changing as I live each day to serve the Lord with everything I have and fulfill His will in my life!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller
This is very good reading... details on the day in the life of a media-evangelist. I really respect this man. Enjoy!

One of the emails I get almost every day are from people curious to know about my daily schedule. I have alluded to it at times over the years, but never really dedicated an entire Devotional to it. However, since so many people are curious and have asked, I thought it would be good to share my typical day with you. It may give some people ideas how to better structure their day to try and find that balance between our daily relationship with the Lord, our family, and work that we all try to achieve. On a selfish note, it will also give those many friends who pray for me each day detailed information so they can be praying more specifically.
Monday thru Friday my life is lived almost exclusively in what I refer to as "God's triangle." God's triangle consists of my home, my office which is about 15 minutes away, and our TV studio which is about 5 minutes from my house and 15 minutes from my office. I am up each day at 5am and spend that first hour in prayer and the Word. That hour is the most critical and special hour of my day. I could not even imagine one day without spending that time alone with the Lord in prayer, reading His Word, and just fellowshipping. It is during this hour that the Lord feeds me, inspires and encourage me, so that I can feed, inspire, and encourage others.
From 6am-7am, I work on the outline of the next day's Daily Devotional. After that, I take a shower, get dressed, and head into the office. I arrive at my office around 7:30am. Each day as I unlock the front door, I pray a prayer that I began praying during the first weeks of Liveprayer almost 10 years ago, when I didn't know if we would be able to make it. I simply ask God to bless the day, to use me for His glory, to help me to stay focused on those things I need to do and can do that day, and commit into His hands those many things out of my control. It is an act of surrender, realizing that there are so many things each day that God is going to have to handle. My goal each day is to focus on those things I am supposed to be doing and leave the rest to Him.
From 7:30am until around 3pm each day I am in my office, seeing to all of the things it takes to operate the Liveprayer ministry each day. During those hours each day I finish the next day's Daily Devotional, answer apx 200 emails at random from the 40,000 we receive each day, answer apx 100 personal emails each day that I have to respond to, prepare for the topic of that night's TV/radio program, go through the daily mail, work with our bookkeeper and CPA firm on all of the daily accounting issues, deal with our attorneys on any legal issues we may be facing, speak anywhere from 2-3x up to 30x a day with my head tech depending on whatever technical issues there may be that day, work with my PR firm and do any press interviews, create, implement, and oversee all of the special projects, and personally handle the fundraising activities to insure we raise the $40,000 we need to each month to operate.
It is an interesting blend of ministering to the needs of the people we reach each day and who reach out to us, implementing the vision God gives me each day for the ministry, and overseeing all of the business and financial aspects of Liveprayer. It is a combination of being a prophet, pastor, teacher, entrepreneur, TV/radio host, and CEO. God has brought to fruition a decade of being in the business world, nearly 2 decades of ministry, and all of the lessons and skills I have learned over these past 30 years to serve Him in this unique and creative way.
Most days from 3-4pm I am either visiting someone in the hospital or counseling those who are dealing with any number of issues in their lives. By 4:15pm each Monday thru Friday I am in the gym for my daily 45 minute workout that consists of 20 minutes of cardio and 25 minutes of weights. I head home, shower, take a 30 minute nap, and am up at 6pm. From 6pm-8pm, it is time to spend some quality time with my wife either at home, or out doing the day-to-day things everyone has to deal with. I could never have done what I have done all these years without her also making the commitment to the Lord to sacrifice her life for His work as well. It is a relaxing 2 hours away from the work and all that is associated with the ministry, and quality time to focus on my wife and our relationship.
It is back to work from 8-10pm each night to catch up on emails and deal with any problems that there may be. At 10pm it is time to shower and get dressed for the TV/radio program. I usually arrive at the studio around 10:30pm, 30 minutes before we go on the air. On Tuesday I have to be at the studio at 9pm to record that weeks 7 Video Daily Devotionals for cell phones, and on Wednesday I am also at the studio by 9pm to record that weeks sermon for the Liveprayer Church. The TV/radio program is live from 11pm-Midnight. After the program I head home, handle any emails I need to take care of as well as any problems, and am in bed by 1am. Trust me when I tell you that I am usually fast asleep within moments of my head hitting the pillow and have been blessed to sleep very deep and sound until my alarm goes off at 5am.
On Saturday and Sunday, the only change in my schedule is that I am out of the office by Noon. Other than an occasional hospital visit, wedding, or funeral, with no TV/radio program on the weekends I am pretty much free between Noon and Midnight other than checking email a couple of times and making sure all of the daily operations are going ok. As you can see, Liveprayer is literally a 24/7 operation. This coming August 31, I will have been keeping my finger on the pulse of God's work, overseeing all of the operations of the ministry literally every single day for 10 years.
Another question I get all the time is what do I eat. For the past 4 years now, I have been eating a pretty consistent diet of tuna fish and tomatoes around 8am. Around 11 am I eat a small chicken breast and some rice. At 2pm I eat some steak and vegetables. During the day I'll snack on some fresh fruit. In the evening I have a regular meal, usually Korean food that my wife prepares. Other than on Saturday night, I rarely go out and eat in restaurants. I am not too crazy on sweets, though I do enjoy exotic deserts when we out in a nice restaurant. At home, when I break down about once a month, my favorite is to take 3-4 scoops of Haggan Daaz vanilla, put about 2 spoons of chunky peanut butter on the top, throw in some Macadamia nuts, and mix it all up.
It is a crazy and hectic pace that I would not recommend to anyone. I have been able to keep up this unique schedule for nearly 10 years because the Lord has blessed me with wonderful health, though I do my best to stay in shape by getting semi-annual check-ups, being in the gym 5 days a week, and eating a healthy diet. Most people should get at least 6 hours of sleep every night instead of 4, and if you have children you need to spend more time at home with them. The daily stress of ministering to several million people each day along with all of the ministry responsibilities, plus overseeing the daily operations of Liveprayer is incredible. However, having that strength only God can provide, knowing ultimately He is in charge, allows me to manage the stress and enjoy His peace and joy even in the most difficult times.
I love you and care about you so much. You will never know how much I appreciate your love and support and the fact so many care and worry about me each day. It is your love and prayers that sustain me each day. When I left prison nearly 2 decades ago, I had a group of 13 elderly grandmothers in Pensacola praying for me daily. There are only 3 of those dear saints still alive. Those dear women, so many countless friends over the years, and now the tens of thousands in the Liveprayer family who faithfully undergird me each day with prayer, encourage and strengthen me like you will never understand. Your prayers are my "secret weapon" that enables me to step onto the front lines each day without fear, knowing the saints of God are with me, interceding on my behalf.
Let me ask you to please continue to pray for me. Now more than ever I need your prayers as I have made this fresh commitment of my life to the Lord, taken a step of faith far greater than any before as I lead the Jonah Project. Calling this nation and the other nations of the world to repentance or face the judgment of God, while trying to lead the lost to faith in Jesus Christ, along with amassing millions of true followers of Jesus Christ to take decisive action on the social issues of the day, is a huge and massive undertaking. With God's help and your prayers, we will see His mighty hand move, nations repent just like Nineveh, and millions of lost souls find everlasting life through faith in Jesus Christ. My schedule won't be changing as I live each day to serve the Lord with everything I have and fulfill His will in my life!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller
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