Obama appoints radical lesbian to the EEOC
The Jimmy Z Show Interview:
Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter Jr., author of 'The Liberal Mind'
Show No. 063-2010

Opening • Father of dead US Marine ordered to pay 'God hates fags' protesters! • Obamacare increases outsourcing jobs to India • Obama appointee to the EEOC, Chai Feldblum, radical lesbian homosexual activist • Amish and Muslims exempted from Obamacare? • Obamacare could send premiums up 17% for young adults • Andrew Breitbart responsible to prove no Tea Partiers used the N word! • The Jimmy Z Show Interview: Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter Jr. • What makes liberals so power hungry? • The need to control • The right to privacy is supposedly important to liberals • Imagine Republicans nationalizing the student loan program • Audio: Alcee Hastings, making up the rules as they go along • John McCain funded by George Soros •
Show Notes • Links • Audio/Video

• National Post: Father of dead soldier ordered to pay Westboro Baptists $16,000
• Christian Science Monitor: US healthcare reform is boon for India outsourcing companies
• YouTube: Obama and Outsourcing, CNN
• Opposing Views: Lesbian Law Prof & Obama appointee Chai Feldblum dangerous for America
• Christian Post: Groups blast Obama's appointment of gay activist
• YouTube: Obama's EEOC nominee shares her strategy for mainstreaming the gay agenda
• YouTube: 'Gay sex is morally good' says Obama appointee
• American Thinker: Amish, Muslims to be excused from Obamacare mandate?
• AP: Health premiums could rise 17% for young adults
• Big Journalism: Breitbart must prove Tea Partiers did NOT use the N word
• WND: John McCain funded by Soros since 2001