Cloture vote: Exactly what Ted Cruz described on Limbaugh - happened
Democrats always say they are ready to work together to fix Obamacare
Michelle Malkin's first person account of losing her family's health plan
• Jimmy Z Obama Rock Block: 'Obama Sucks' and 'Obama's Got To Go'
Show No. 119-2013
• Cloture vote: What Ted Cruz described on Limbaugh, happened
• 25 Republicans vote yes to end debate, then vote no to fund Obamacare
• Ted Cruz runs down everything in a spectacular Limbaugh interview
• Dickhead Durbin vs. Ted Cruz, part one during hour 6 of the marathon
• Marco Rubio reads from some of the email and letters he's received
• Dickhead Durbin confronts Sen. Ted Cruz again during the marathon
• Three questions for Dick Durbin: Do you think he's going to answer them?
• Democrats always say they are ready to work together to fix Obamacare
• Ted Cruz challenges Dick Durbin with words of the Union's James Hoffa
• A very special song for Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois found on YouTube
• Michelle Malkin's first person account of losing her family's health plan
• Audio Mayhem: Obama lying profusely about keeping your doctor & plan
• Breaking down Obama's promises that you can keep the plan you like
• Loop: Nothing in this plan will require you to change the doctor you have
• Obama Rock Block: Obama Sucks and Obama's Got To Go
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
Show Notes • Links • Audio/Video
• Side One
• Ted Cruz: ‘Unfortunate’ GOP Split on Cloture Vote - Washington Wire - WSJ
• Senate rejects Ted Cruz strategy 79-19; cloture invoked, Obamacare funding restored | Dallas Morning News
• 2013 Sep 25 Ted Cruz on Rush Limbaugh - YouTube
• Cruz vs. Durbin Floor Fight: "I'm Quite Familiar With What Is Necessary To Defund Obamacare" | RealClearPolitics
• Durbin vs. Ted Cruz 9/24/2013 Senate floor - YouTube
• Side Two
• Livestream | Video | Ted Cruz | The source for watching Ted Cruz' filibuster live
• THE DICKHEAD SONG (Revenge Song) by Miles Betterman - YouTube
• Obama Lied, My Health Plan Died | National Review Online
• FLASHBACK: Obama: If you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan - YouTube
• If You Like Your Health Care Plan You Can't Keep It! - YouTube
• "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube
• Obama to AMA keep your doctor and insurance we will build economy - YouTube
• Obamacare Costs Thousands In Tennessee Their Heath Insurance - YouTube
• Obama Sucks: Jimmy Z Music ©2011 - YouTube
• Obama's Got To Go :: Jimmy Z Music ©2012 - YouTube