Rage and division: By design, Obama has Americans battling
July the 4th Music: Ava Aston: We The People
Joan Rivers cracks a joke about Obama being homosexual
• Elton John says Jesus would support homosexual marriage
Show No. 052-2014
• The mess at the border: Obama is responsible for all of it
• Feds sue company for firing people who couldn't speak English
• Rage and division: By design, Obama has Americans battling
• Border agents says Obama facilitating human smuggling
• July the 4th Part 1: Ava Aston: We The People
• Amazing video of drone flying inside a fireworks display
• July the 4th Part 2: Jordan Page's brilliant 'Liberty'
• Dale Dye talks about the state of our military: Fat and tattooed
• Joan Rivers cracks a joke about Obama being homosexual
• Matt Drudge in a rare interview talking about Washington
• Megyn Kelly throttles Sandra Flake on O'Reilly
• Elton John says Jesus would support homosexual marriage
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
Show Notes • Links • Audio/Video
• Side One
• 5 Arrested in Murrieta as Demonstrators Await Buses of Immigrants | KTLA 5
• Federal Gov’t Sues Wisconsin Company, Says English-Language Requirement is 'Discrimination' | CNS News
• We, the people are violent and filled with rage: A nation spinning apart on its Independence Day - Salon.com
• Border Patrol Agent - Obama admin. aiding abetting facilitating the smuggling of illegals into US - YouTube
• We The People HD - Ava Aston - YouTube
• Side Two
• "We The People" Lyrics - Ava Aston
• Photo: DJI Phantom 2 Drone with Go Pro camera
• Fireworks filmed with a drone - YouTube
• Jordan Page "Liberty" (Acoustic Version) - YouTube
• Krauthammer on Fences - YouTube
• Dale Dye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
• Captain Dale Dye 4PM (7/4) (Audio) 17:00 Fatbodies in the military
• Joan Rivers President Obama Video | Michelle Obama Is A Man | Gossip Cop
• Joan Rivers Calls President Obama Gay, Says First Lady Is 'Tranny' - YouTube
• Matt Drudge gives rare interview on WTOP Friday - WTOP.com
• The O'Reilly Factor with Megyn Kelly - YouTube
• The 8 Best Lines From Ginsburg's Dissent on the Hobby Lobby Contraception Decision | Mother Jones
• Sir Elton John says Jesus would support gay marriage: 'He was all about love' - The Independent