OBAMA LOSING LATINO VOTE: DOWN FROM 85% APPROVAL TO 44% Obama snubs VFW, but Gov. Rick Perry speaks
Brilliant Rocky & Bullwinkle 'Goof Gas' bit Marco Rubio: The Democrats worst nightmare Fast & Furious fallout: ATF Demotion & US Atty resigns Show No. 157-2011
Opening • News on the Lady Gaga front • Gaga can't even enjoy all of her success • Listener commentary from Facebook and email • Doug on the damage in Vermont from Hurricane Irene • Teri writes about the 'birther' issue and something more important • Frank Marshall Davis • Audio: Obama losing Latinos: Dick Morris • Rant: Why the GOP candidates are not talking about immigration law • Reading: Human Events: Marco Rubio, the Democrats worst nightmare • Reviewing the outrageous Democrat filibuster of Miguel Estrada (2001) • What happens if Democrats go after Marco Rubio on the Natural Born Citizen issue • Break • The Jimmy Z Show archives • Audio: Interview with Henry Juszkiewicz, CEO of Gibson Guitars, talking about the Federal raid • Production disruption • Imported woods from India to be finished by American workers • Several hundred workers sent home, cost to Gibson $1 million • 'They're stalking us. They're waiting for us to do something wrong' • Musician friends did not comment • FAST AND FURIOUS FALLOUT • Obama Administration already begins damage control •
Opening • Music: 'Effen' song parody • VFW accuses Obama administration of snubbing the organization • Audio: Some of Rick Perry's comments to the VFW • Audio: Colin Powell hasn't decided on supporting Obama for re-election yet • Eric Cantor calls for repeal of Obama's job destroying regulations • Obama's illegal 'Uncle Onyongo' Obama gets the same immigration lawyer as Obama's sister • Rant: Do you think Uncle Onyongo will be deported? • Audio: Hysterical bit of Rocky & Bullwinkle: Goof Gas • Audio: Al Gore equates global warming deniers with racists during the Civil Rights era • Tiered electricity rates punish Americans for using more • What if they sold gasoline this way? • The Obama bus tour wasn't a bus tour at all: Obama and the buses flew from site to site! •
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
FEDS PROSECUTE IDAHO MAN FOR KILLING A GRIZZLY BEAR IN HIS YARD Bloomberg excludes clergy, prayer from 9/11 memorial Michele Bachmann can reduce gas prices to $2 again US Marines ordered not to fart: Offensive to Afghans Show No. 156-2011
Opening • Flood of new conspiracy theories follow Hurricane Irene • Criticizing Obama if he stays on vacation or returns to Washington • Christwire website is all hoax stories • Christwire hoax about black looting and rioting in New York • Irene hype: Hurricane could have gone category 4 • Hurricane evacuation was a 'conditioning exercise' for Obama declaring martial law • Microwave HAARP weather control nonsense • Idaho man being prosecuted by the feds for killing a grizzly bear in his back yard • Coverage from Huffington Post, KHQ-TV and MSNBC • US Marines asked not to fart: Offensive to sensitive Afghan Muslims • Jerry Lewis dumped from the Labor Day Telethon • Mayor Bloomberg excludes clergy and prayer from the 9/11 10th anniversary memorial •
Opening • Music: Lou Rawls sings 'Swing Low Sweet Chariot', from The Big Valley • Audio: The Jesus Christ Show: What if God does or does not exist? • Caller has become a cynic, doesn't trust organized religion • Faith in many things that are not part of 'religion' • Blaming God for what others do in the name of God • What does it mean to live a 'good' life? • If there is a God, there would be eternal punishment • Church is not required, but necessary for Christians • Bloomberg: We are all Muslims during Rama-lama-ding-dong • Audio: Rick Perry in Iowa • Audio: Rick Perry montage and views on the border • Music: Al Gore's stupid poem sung by Jimmy Z • Al Gore says eat less meat to help global warming • Audio: Some Al Gore clips • Audio: Dick Morris on federal funding for the Mosque at Ground Zero • Dick Morris petition to block funding • Audio: Dick Morris on Obama and gas prices • Audio: Michele Bachmann says she can send gas prices back to $2 per gallon • Rant: Of course she can! •
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
41% OF REPUBLICANS SAY NO CHANCE THEY'D VOTE FOR SARAH PALIN CA Dream Act will give tax payer money to illegals Now comes the big push to normalize pedophilia Illegals will get CA college grants instead of citizens Show No. 155-2011
Opening • Overview of today's big show topics • The move to normalize pedophilia • California Dream Act would give public funded college grants to illegals • Reporting Robert on Facebook to the FBI • Insinuated threat to Obama • The White House Insider passed around again • Boasting about guns and ammo • Man from the South says the South is ready to rise again • Threats to Obama, me and the FBI • Robert is a bad example of conservatism • Reading: 41% of Republicans would not vote for Sarah Palin • Obama spent millions at Yahoo and Google to promote Obamacare • Musicians, environmentally protected materials and the Lacey Act • Piano importer almost went to jail for wrongly filled out paperwork • US Congress amended the Lacey Act in 2008 • THE CALIFORNIA DREAM ACT • Audio: John & Ken coverage • Gil Cedillo, California legislator working for illegals from Mexico • Citizens will take a back seat to illegals for college grants • Arnold Schwarzenegger would never sign this 'Dream Act' • LA Times article • Rant: I don't care if CA is flush with cash, illegals don't get a penny • Audio: Message I left for Gil Cedillo • CA voter's information guide: Democrats tout college tuition rates under Jerry Brown in 1975 •
Opening • Audio: Clip 2 from John & Ken • Gil Cedillo's focus is always handing money to illegal aliens • I don't care how someone got here illegally: No such thing as 'through no fault of their own' • Even Democrats can't believe they want their tax dollars to go to illegals before their own children • Chancellors are giving away tax money to illegals while the state is broke • Rant: Americans cannot allow Democrats to destroy California: It's time you got involved • This is La Raza • Why doesn't Gil Cedillo work in Mexico to improve life for Mexicans? • Cedillo is guilty of treason • This hurts the middle class the worst • Tuitions and fees skyrocketing and they're handing tax payer money to illegals • Audio: Message left for Gov. Brown • Audio: Richard Hernandez says we must pay for illegals to go to college • THE PUSH TO NORMALIZE PEDOPHILIA • The book on the NJ reading list had a lesbian scene with a 31 year old woman, and a 13 year old girl • Fox News column by Dr. Keith Ablow • Moral judgment and psychiatry • The APA made homosexuality normal in 1973 • Elvis Nixon article • Homosexuals have been pushing for normalized pedophilia for years • Ruth Bader Ginsberg co-wrote a report recommending the age of consent be lowers to 12 • Children should be allowed to express themselves sexually • NAMBLA • Coming up Monday: The Topless rally in Asheville, NC • The protesting topless women are never worth seeing topless • Couple of phone calls • Bill Handel's show uses the 'Genital' song •
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
TOO SOON TO BE THINKING OF MARCO RUBIO FOR VICE PRESIDENT? Marco Rubio's speech at the Ronald Reagan Library Changes to Social Security and Medicare are a must Q&A with Marco Rubio after his speech Show No. 154-2011
Opening • I need a laugh track • Phone calls? Not likely • Marco Rubio: Potential favorite to be the Republican Vice Presidential nominee • Nancy Reagan almost collapsed at the Reagan library • Audio: Marco Rubio's speech at the Ronald Reagan Library • Born and raised in Ronald Reagan's America • The Cold War • America: Free and prosperous, and compassionate • We used to take care of ourselves • Social Security • Obama has accelerated policies that were already in place • Access to the free enterprise system • Regulatory framework • We must make changes to Social Security and Medicare • We will pay into a system that we will never fully access • Socialism and communism • Doomed to fail • Rubio's grandfather • Our common destiny • Marco Rubio laughs off the idea of a VP run • Rant: The definition of 'natural born citizen' • Audio: Question and Answer with Marco Rubio • Run for VP • Party of Property and Compassion • Sidebar: Comment on the greedy MLK family • Rubio: Hispanics and conservatism • Tax code • Weakening the national defense • Liberal policies and spending • On The Tea Party in America •
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
MLK's FAMILY GOT $800,000 TO USE HIS LIKENESS IN DC MEMORIAL What's worse? MLK's sculpture is made in China! Resist MSNBC much: Al Sharpton has his show Sarah Palin complains about typical media punditry Show No. 153-2011
Opening • Salutations about watering and whatnot • Still haven't got to phone calls • Empty coffee cup • Rant: Martin Luther King's family was paid $800,000 to use his likeness for the Washington DC Memorial • Audio rewind: Martin Luther King Jr. talking about his children's character • Greedy pigs • Money off their father's memory • Residuals from MLK's quotes and likeness • Fund raising to pay the family $800,000 • What's worse, the sculpture was done in China! • NJ school reading list includes graphic depictions of lesbian sex and a homosexual orgy • Inappropriate for 'some of the kids' • Rant: Don't complain anymore about public school: Just get your kids out • School board read the books and found them to be appropriate • Philadelphia shooting at a recreation center • Audio rewind: Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia goes after thugs (excerpts) • Al Sharpton gets his own show on MSNBC • Resist we much of course • Jimmy Z explains why MSNBC gave Sharpton a show • Sure, he's a dimwit - but he's black • Music: 'Resist We Much', featuring Al Sharpton • Media uses Allen West's brother against him: What about Obama's Aunt? • Sarah Palin upset with Karl Rove and others for guessing if she's going to run or not •
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
BIRTHER RANT: WE HAVE 14 MONTHS BEFORE THE 2012 ELECTION Earthquake in DC felt from Toronto to Atlanta Coal plants to come under new, strict regulations The 'White House Insider' is a writer's gimmick Show No. 152-2011
Opening • Sarah Palin's pending announcement: Will she run or won't she? • Rasmussen numbers do not look good for Palin • Rant: THE BIRTHER UPDATE • Birthers still think they can remove Obama from office • Race riots • Obama and the Democrats must be rejected at the polls • Court decision coming up in Hawaii • The theory of nullification • Here's what needs to happen in January 2013 • People think Obama can be arrested at the White House and removed • No court will act conclusively before the election • The American citizens don't want to go through this kind of battle • The Jimmy Z Argument: We have 14 months before the election we must win • Bit: Argument clinic • FCC dumps 'the fairness doctrine' • Audio: Dick Morris on whether or not Palin will announce • 'The White House Insider' is not real: HillBuzz • Earthquake in DC • Audio: Coverage from two talk stations in the DC area • ABC News reports • Comparing to earthquakes in CA • Washington DC reports • Evacuations throughout the east • People thinking about 9-11 • The washing machine analogy • Going down: Latest Obama poll data • Gallup approval down to 38% • Rasmussen tracking number down to -26 •
Opening • Earthquake notes • Felt from Toronto to Atlanta • Richter Scale information and earthquake sizes and frequency • Headlines at Drudge • Is the Washington Monument tilting? • Audio: Report from DC on the memorials • What a symbol of our times if the Washington Monument fell • Obama's latest numbers at Rasmussen • Ron Paul does better against Obama than Sarah Palin does • OBAMA'S COAL PLANT REGULATIONS WILL SKY ROCKET ELECTRICITY RATES • Audio: Obama in 2007 on coal electric plants • Audio: Obama says energy rates will 'necessarily skyrocket' • Washington Post: New coal regulations will shut down coal electric plants • Rant: We don't need less electricity! • More on Rick Perry and Karl Rove • Music: 'The Man Who Shot Osama Bin Laden' • Rick Perry scares the GOP establishment hacks • Audio: Rush Limbaugh on Rick Perry and the GOP establishment • Audio: Kevin Jackson educates a young liberal protester • Christine O'Donnell spins her poor performance on the Piers Morgan program •
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
JOHN CONYERS WANTS TO PROTEST OBAMA AT THE WHITE HOUSE Obama continues to blame the GOP in Washington MSNBC uses Rep. Allen West's brother against him New poll shows Palin would lose to Obama, 50-33% Show No. 151-2011
Opening • The Cardasian Wedding • Obama jobs proposal already meets with Republican resistance • Audio: John Conyers wants to march on the White House and protest Obama • Audio: Allen West's 'democrat plantation' comment on Fox News • Audio: Maxine Waters responds to West's comment • Audio: Allen West's brother, Arlen West, says that Allen's plantation talk is not productive • Rant: Fake 'White House Insider' interviews online • Audio: MSNBC's Ed Schultz uses Allen West's brother against him • Audio: Ed Schultz reads Allen West's statement •
Opening • Grocery store strike likely in Southern California • Rant: The union bosses and union workers keep working during a strike • Audio: Maxine Waters says the Tea Party can go straight to hell • Audio: Karl Rove on the Bush Team vs Team Perry • Audio: Michael Bloomberg encourages more immigration for jobs growth • Audio: Ed Gillespie says Obama is in over his head • Audio: Sound from Obama's CBS News interview • Obama blames Congress for his falling approval rating • Daily Presidential Tracking Poll at Rasmussen has Obama at a negative 24 • Audio: Obama's weekend address: Blaming everyone but himself • Audio: Krauthammer on Obama complaining rather than leading • Audio: Dick Morris: Will Obama's approval drop further? • Audio: Ohio Gov. John Kasich with the Republican response • Audio: Clips of Christine O'Donnell on Mark Levin: She's better with a friendly host • Stunner: New Rasmussen poll shows Palin losing 50% to 33% vs. President Obama •
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
SURPRISING: OBAMA VACATION DAYS VS. BUSH VACATION DAYS Christine O'Donnell's abysmal interview on CNN Rick Perry says we need to stop apologizing GOP establishment hack defends ...Obama over Tea Party Show No. 150-2011
Opening • Obama vacation days vs. George W. Bush vacation days: Surprising • Outrageous: Florida high school teacher suspended and may be fired for writing his opinion about same-sex marriage on Facebook • Uh oh, he mentioned the Bible: He's a goner • Facebook pages for and against him • Obama edict bypasses Congress on The DREAM Act • Jan Brewer slams Obama • Rant: No such thing as law- abiding undocumented workers • Audio: Christine O'Donnell blows a big question in the Delaware debate, October 2010 • Audio: Part 1 of my dissection of Christine O'Donnell on the Piers Morgan show •
Opening • Part 2: Jimmy Z dissects Christine O'Donnell's abysmal performance on the Piers Morgan program • Cowardice on display: How hard is it to answer the question about same-sex marriage? • Piers Morgan was rather polite about the whole thing if you ask me • Christine O'Donnell says 'Ok, I'm being pulled away' and leaves the program • Rant: Is this the best the Tea Party can offer America? Really? • Music: Johnny Cashless sings 'Obama's Prison Blues' • Rick Perry updates • 18 criticisms of Rick Perry answered • Rick Perry the Great Campaigner • Perry receives the Defender of Jerusalem Award • Texas forces closures of some Planned Parenthood offices • Audio: Rick Perry in 2009: States Rights & Federal Oppression • Audio: Rick Perry says the left doesn't like us, so we shouldn't try to 'curry favor' with them • Music: Ray Stevens, 'Obama Money' • Music: 'Obama Sucks', Jimmy Z • Audio: Rush Limbaugh comments on GOP establishment hack who defends Obama from the mean ol' Tea Party •
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
ED SCHULTZ & AL SHARPTON SMEAR GOV. RICK PERRY ON MSNBC Sen. Cornyn: Gun scandal goes all the way to the top Obama calls kid calling for higher taxes 'well informed' Rep. Joe 'You lie!' Wilson vindicated by health law Show No. 149-2011
Opening • A few thoughts about Christine O'Donnell • Stock market down again; Obama is still President • Audio rewind: Maxine Waters talks about President Obama not visiting black neighborhoods • Maxine Waters with black preacher organ • 'Unemployment is unconscionable' • Audio: Louis Farrakhan says the soldiers are the terrorists • Sad rape and sexual harassment statistics from NPR • Illogical conclusions of Farrakhan • Fast & Furious gun running scandal update • Audio: Sen. John Cornyn with Laura Ingraham on the investigation • How much did Eric Holder know? • Cornyn: 'It goes all the way to the top' • Back pain and back exercises • Audio: Ed Schultz cuts the tape and smears Rick Perry • Audio: Ed Schultz with yet another apology • 'Big black cloud' of debt said to be Barack Obama • Audio: Al Sharpton says Rick Perry is 'swift-boating' Barack Obama • Audio: Michael Steele says Sharpton is 'taking it too far as usual' • Sidebar: Typical story tools of television cop shows • Comment from Obama fan on YouTube video • Audio: April 2011: Ed Schultz says Obama is one of the smartest presidents we've ever had • Rant: Obama the freakin' genius • Ed Schultz: The Republicans are racist • Audio: Obama in front of a corn field and a tractor, talking about how much he loves America •
Opening • Reading Dick Morris: Obama's ratings will continue to fall • Ron Paul says that Rick Perry makes him sound like a moderate • Audio: Obama says college kid who says wealthy should pay more for Social Security 'well informed' • Rant: Why there's a cap on the Social Security tax • Not well informed, he's well indoctrinated • Pajamas Media article disappears • CNN interview with Obama: Talking about terrorism • Chris Christie said to be considering running for president • Audio rewind: Jimmy Z reading transcript of Tea Partier Ryan Rhodes talking with Obama in Iowa • Audio: Rush Limbaugh talks with Ryan Rhodes on his show • Audio: Heckler at Romney appearance illustrates the difference between liberals and democrats • Audio: Joe Wilson says he was right when he yelled out 'You lie!' • Democrats argue with the White House over campaign funds for 2012 • The Jimmy Z Comment Line: Kel and Robert • Jefferson did not hold an Iftar dinner • Thoughts on Ron Paul • Audio: The Jesus Christ Show: Caller's fiance died in an auto accident •
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
RICK PERRY CALLS FOR FEDERAL RESERVE TRANSPARENCY Obama, Perry, Rove, Santorum, Carney & ...Dean on Rick Perry and the Fed Obama says that he has it tougher than Abe Lincoln
Ron Paul would not step in if Iran attacks Israel
Obama's Magical Misery Tour buses made in Canada Show No. 148-2011
Opening • Rush Limbaugh mentions the Obama entourage video • Audio: Counting the vehicles in the Obama entourage in Iowa • Obama's buses aren't likely green • Audio: Counting the vehicles in the Obama entourage in Minnesota • Audio: Rick Perry on Fed transparency • Jay Carney warns Rick Perry about Fed comment • Rant: Rick Perry already has the White House responding • Audio: Obama cuts Rick Perry some slack over military comments • Audio: Rick Perry responds to Obama: Action speaks louder than words • Audio: Rick Santorum says Rick Perry stepped on it a couple of times; DC is not Austin • Audio: Howard Dean says Rick Perry could be giving Mitt Romney the advantage • Karl Rove on Perry and the Fed • Sidebar: Karl Rove's criticism of Christine O'Donnell: We need conservatism & intellect • Audio: Karl Rove on Rick Perry's comments • Obama Magical Misery Tour buses made in Canada • Audio: Jennifer Donohue: It's over for Mitt Romney • Rasmussen survey: Perry at 29%, Mitt Romney at 18% • Rant: Prosperity and Christianity • Audio: Life Today: James Robison with Rabbi Daniel Lapin • Israel, America and Christianity •
Opening • Audio: Part Two of James Robison's interview with Rabbi Daniel Lapin • Music: 'The Magical Misery Tour' • Sore back update • How to get the 'Obama Sucks' ring tone • Obama says he has it tougher than Abraham Lincoln • Boehner criticizes Obama's bus tour and lack of new ideas for creating jobs • Congressional Black Caucus tired of defending Obama • Audio: Maxine Waters talking with black voters in Detroit about not putting pressure on Obama • CBC is running cover for Obama: Black unemployment is much higher than the national average • Gerard DePardieu takes a leak in the plane • Audio: Jon Stewart wants Ron Paul to get more media attention • Audio: Ron Paul wouldn't step in if Israel were attacked by Iran • Audio: Dick Morris on London riots and class warfare in America •
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
WHY ARE THE TAX PAYERS PAYING FOR THE OBAMA MISERY TOUR? SonlitKnight: We can run a ham sandwich against ...Obama in the 2012 election Obama Ag Secretary: Food stamps are a stimulus Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Face The Nation Show No. 147-2011
Opening • Sore back • Obama's bus tour is the result of the Tea Party • Latest Rasmussen numbers show Obama deeper into negatives • Congress should investigate the Obama bus tour: Why are the tax payers footing the bill? • Audio: Obama's bus tour is a campaign tour • Obama blaming Congress and talking re-election • Audio: Rick Perry on Obama and jobs • Audio: Jay Carney explains why the taxpayers are paying for this campaign bus • SonlitKnight & Jimmy Z: Latest Rasmussen survey • Taxpayers and Obama's bus tour • We can nominate anyone to run against Obama • Obama has 4% strong approval from independents • Hillary not running in 2012 • Ham sandwich vs. Obama • Rick Perry was a democrat and worked with Al Gore • This country needs a repudiation of Obama, Democrats and socialism • Music: Someone else recorded 'The Magical Misery Tour' song parody! • Music: 'Obama Sucks', by Jimmy Z • Audio: Obama confronted by Tea Partiers during the bus tour • Audio: Obama explains why Americans would be mandated to buy health insurance • Obama's sound bytes are the same talking points over and over again • Audio: Immigrants upset about finger prints that lead to deportation of illegals •
Opening • Audio: Rick Perry on the Fed and printing more money • Agriculture Sec. says that food stamps are stimulus • Audio: Chris Christie: America needs a leader not afraid to take risks • Grocery store unions and grocery store pensions. Pensions! • Audio: Obama will have an economic plan in September • Audio: Great Romney commercial about Obama • Audio: Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Face The Nation • Debbie refuses to answer the question • Americans are 'appreciative' of Obama's hard work • Unemployment up and food stamp users way up, but Debbie says Obama 'inherited' a huge problem • Contrasting Obama's job nationally with Perry's job in Texas • Audio: Jesus Christ Show on Mega-churches • Romney notes the 'Magical Misery Bus Tour' • Shocking interview with brother of the man suspected of killing his two year old daughter: 'He was a good father' •
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
THE 10 REASONS LIBERALS DON'T LIKE GOVERNOR RICK PERRY Rush Limbaugh says Romney has learned his lesson Ann Coulter now on GOProud's advisory board The Weekend Special is commercial free! Show No. 146-2011
Opening • Coffee montage • Audio: Rick Perry announces his campaign for President • Audio: YouTube Schmo talks about Rick Perry • 10 reasons liberals don't like Rick Perry • Audio: Sarah Palin still considering a run for President • Prediction: Logically it seems that Palin has decided not to run • Audio: Rush Limbaugh talks about quoting candidates in a debate • Audio: Ron Paul on Iran and nukes • Audio: Limbaugh on Ron Paul • Audio: Dick Morris analysis of the debate • Audio: Obama's weekly address byte • Audio: Pat Toomey sound byte • Romney unscathed • Rush Limbaugh says Romney learned his lesson •
Opening • Rant: Rush Limbaugh says that Romney has learned the 'RomneyCare' lesson • The kind of GOP President we need • The kind of President Romney would be • Conservative satirist exaggerates a confrontation with Sen. Dick Durbin • Obama's new mileage requirements for long haul trucks • Electric vehicles from the Union of Concerned Scientists • Vehicle average requirement of 54.5 mpg in 2025 • Higher fuel standards mean higher death toll • Audio: Matthews criticizes Rick Perry • Perry dresses very fancy • UK looks to Bill Bratton for police advise on gangs • Bill Bratton says that gun control laws made the riots less dangerous • Consumer confidence lowest in 30 years • 2010 elections the decisive moment in Obama's presidency • Audio: Sen. Jim DeMint on Obama's presidency • New Quinipiac poll shows New York state disapproves of the job Obama is doing • Audio: Newt Gingrich on the Super Committee idea • CNN reports that there aren't enough 'rich' to tax • Ann Coulter moves to the dark side; She's now on the GOProud advisory board •
CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)
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