2010 in review here on The Jimmy Z Show
Conservatism without moral issues is dead
2010 was great and 2011 will be even bigger
Show No. 244-2010

Hour ONE • Click HERE to download
Opening • THE JIMMY Z SHOW YEAR IN REVIEW • Audio and commentary: Obama's State of the Union Address & the banking bailout • Morel Orel cartoon series on Comedy Central • Church sings 'I Hate You Jesus' • The 45 Communist Goals from 1963 • Audio: Keith Olbermann discusses Ritalin vs. Pot Brownies • Archie Comics introduces Kevin, the first openly homosexual character • Reading the comic panel from Archie Comics • Music: 'Sugar, Sugar' sung by 'Kevin' • Jimmy Z's world famous Danny Glover impression • Alex the Hyphenated American on government hand outs • June election review with SonlitKnight •

Hour TWO • Click HERE to download

CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)

Hour TWO • Click HERE to download
Opening • Music: 'The Days of B. Hussein', Jimmy Z • Prayer for American, Dr. Michael Youssef • The Gulf Oil Spill didn't end up being the 'Biblical' event some conservatives predicted • Audio: Limbaugh on the Gulf Oil Spill article in Time Magazine • Judge finds California Proposition 8 unconstitutional • Jennifer Aniston uses the R-word on television, morning show dweebs in Rhode Island lose their minds • We are giving words too much power over us • Lady Ga Ga wins, Don't Ask Don't Tell repealed with Republican help • Music: 'The Homos Can Finally Belong' March, Jimmy Z • Gloria Allred accuses Meg Whitman of not offering her maid a sandwich • Ted Nugent's brilliant 'Freedom vs. Sharia Law' • Dick Morris writes about conservatism without the moral issues • Rant: Conservatism is dead without moral conservatism •
A big thank you to all who have contributed to this show over the last year. I hesitate to name anyone for fear of leaving important people out, but in no particular order, here goes: SonlitKnight, Michael Stollaire, Debra JM Smith, Alex the Hyphenated American, Dr. Michael Pryce, Paul Ibbetson, Jason and Conner of The Junior Factor, Michael Johns, Betty Killbride, Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter Jr, Dr. Carl M. Mumpower (the Candid Conservative), Ava Aston, David Limbaugh, Dave Redl, Christopher Fredrickson, Tim McClellen, Jerry & Cheryl Anhorn, Steve Levisee & family, Bill Marcy, Robert in Florida, Ray in Texas, all my friends and supporters on Facebook, Darla Dawald at The Patriot Action Network, Jack at Conservative Blog Central, the great website Freedom is Knowledge and all the conservative folks around the internet, and the staff and friends at Red State Talk Radio, Net Talk World, Right Talk Radio and Ghostfighter Radio. You've all be very important to a big year, and next year will be even better. God bless you and God bless America. Let's take this country back!
A big thank you to all who have contributed to this show over the last year. I hesitate to name anyone for fear of leaving important people out, but in no particular order, here goes: SonlitKnight, Michael Stollaire, Debra JM Smith, Alex the Hyphenated American, Dr. Michael Pryce, Paul Ibbetson, Jason and Conner of The Junior Factor, Michael Johns, Betty Killbride, Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter Jr, Dr. Carl M. Mumpower (the Candid Conservative), Ava Aston, David Limbaugh, Dave Redl, Christopher Fredrickson, Tim McClellen, Jerry & Cheryl Anhorn, Steve Levisee & family, Bill Marcy, Robert in Florida, Ray in Texas, all my friends and supporters on Facebook, Darla Dawald at The Patriot Action Network, Jack at Conservative Blog Central, the great website Freedom is Knowledge and all the conservative folks around the internet, and the staff and friends at Red State Talk Radio, Net Talk World, Right Talk Radio and Ghostfighter Radio. You've all be very important to a big year, and next year will be even better. God bless you and God bless America. Let's take this country back!

CALL AND COMMENT - ANY TOPIC, ANYTIME: 714-90-JZJZ-1 (714-905-9591)